Reporting Guidelines
Emergencies happen – and they impact the workplace. Although they are unplanned and unwanted, it is everyone’s responsibility to be safer and be prepared for them.
Guidelines for Colleagues Remaining to Operate Equipment during Evacuation
Guidelines to account for building occupants after evacuation.
Traditionally, the evacuation program consisted of colleague lists to be used in the assembly area as a means to account for colleagues. This is no longer functional given our current working structure. As a result, Floor Marshals will be responsible for making sure their assigned areas are clear of occupants.
The Floor Marshals in each floor of the building assist in the safe evacuation of their assigned area. This includes any desks, offices, conference rooms or rest rooms in the area. Once at the assembly point, the Floor Marshals will inform their Floor Warden as to whether or not their area is clear of people. If not, the Floor Marshal will, to the best of their ability, indicate the number of people left behind as well as the name (if known). This information will be communicated to local fire/rescue personnel on site.
Further instructions may be communicated at the assembly point.
Colleagues Performing Rescue or Medical Duties
In the event of a Lockdown or Shelter in Place
- If you are at your desk, stay there and await further instructions.
- If the building goes into lockdown and you or other visitors are outside of the building, you may not be allowed into the building until lockdown ends.
Severe Weather
- Shelter in safe places such as stairwells, center of an interior room, or hallway on the lowest level.
- Stay away from glass, windows, outside doors and walls, and anything that could fall.
- If there is a safe path to the assembly area(s), then proceed there and wait for further information.
Contacts for More Information about the Plan or Duties
- Bank Health, Safety and Environment team at MyBank Health & Safety
- Andy Collins, Bank Head of Health and Safety, Andrew.j.Lee@mycompany.com.