Are you prepared for the future of work? | Iyobosa Rehoboth | TEDxMambillaSt
In the next 10 years, 50-60% of the jobs we know today will disappear. This isn't just a prediction - it's a radical truth that we must confront. In this talk, Iyobosa explores the future of work, the rise of emerging technologies, and how to build a mindset that keeps us adaptable in a rapidly changing world. From artificial intelligence to immersive technology, the workforce of tomorrow demands that we continuously evolve. The question is: What will you do tomorrow? Pioneering the next digital frontier, Iyobosa leverages a decade of creative expertise to transform complex technologies into accessible, human-centric solutions. As the founder of FloatsXR, he's dedicated to making emerging technologies intuitive and impactful through immersive technology and Artificial intelligence.With over a decade of experience in filmmaking, digital content, product design, and user experience design, Iyobosa is leading the charge in shaping the future of emerging tech in Africa.Iyobosa successfully spearheaded the HeadsByBnxn NFT project, integrating blockchain and XR, which onboarded 7,000+ people into the creator economy.He has been featured in renowned platforms like Billboard, TechCabal, and The Guardian for his work in XR and the creator economy.Iyobosa is on a mission to unlock the collaborative power of technology, optimization of products and businesses through immersive tech, artificial intelligence and innovation design. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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