The Art of Mystery: Why Curiosity Leads to Breakthroughs | Michael Jobity | TEDxAncaster High School
Mystery is the compass that guides curious minds and drives innovation in music, art, science, and technology. From Einstein’s Theory of Relativity to Vincent Van Gogh's The Starry Night, Michael Jobity (Tech Entrepreneur & Aerospace Engineer) takes us on a magical journey through space and time. Explore how moments of wonder fuel passion, creativity, and groundbreaking discoveries that transform our world. Michael Jobity is an award-winning inventor, speaker, and engineer focused on global impact. He is currently the CEO of Jetson Infinity - a cinematic STEM experience for students and professionals learning to code, with real-world robotics and industry-driven learning modules (ranging from autonomous vehicles to space robotics, AI, and more!). Michael will be hosting the 2024 UK Film Awards in London UK, has appeared on CBC Dragons' Den, championed new digital technology projects in aerospace at Airbus in the UK & France, hosted the London International Airshow, and was recognized as a Global Top Talent Under 25. As a fun fact, Michael also met with Bill Nye the Science Guy on the topic of climate change and sustainable energy. Above all, he is passionate about making an impact and inspiring others with new applications of technology. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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