From Possibility to Reality: A Vision of Opportunity | Tanush Vyas | TEDxIntl School Of Uganda
Tanush frames his talk around architecture and being an engineer in a developing country. Tanush Vyas is a junior at the International School of Uganda and a part of the class of 2026. He has a determined and hardworking mind that is deeply interested in the world of construction and civil engineering. He has intuitive views on the ideology of sustainable development and thrives to use the opportunities around him to take him further towards his dreams and goals. As a student who has lived in a developing country his whole life, he has experienced a lack of opportunities but simultaneously has had many unique experiences in his life and therefore tries to use every part of his life to his advantage and connect with the world around him. One of his biggest passions is to be a part of the development in terms of economy and constructive improvement through the knowledge he gains in life and apply it into the world. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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