Thriving in the Hyper-Competitive World of Generation Z | Asliddin Fayziyev | TEDxBMU Tashkent
In a world driven by rapid innovation and digital transformation, Generation Z faces unique challenges in standing out and succeeding. This talk explores what it takes to thrive in this hyper-competitive era, sharing insights on adaptability, personal branding, and continuous learning. Drawing from his experience in the hospitality industry and beyond, he uncovers key strategies that help young professionals navigate a fast-paced world while staying true to their passions and goals. A second-year student at British Management University, Asliddin Fayziev thrives in the dynamic world of hospitality. With hands-on experience in mid-range hotels and the prestigious InterContinental Tashkent (IHG), he has honed his ability to navigate fast-paced environments with precision and adaptability. Passionate about innovation, he seeks to elevate guest experiences, optimize service operations, and challenge industry norms. For Asliddin, growth isn’t just a goal—it’s a way of life. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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- 18:54なぜ今、伝統文化なのか | 諭基 石田 | TEDxDoshishaU今回、私がお話しさせていただくのは「なぜ今伝統文化が大切なのか、伝統文化の未来」です。 まず、私自身がこれまでどのような活動をしてきたのかお話しさせていただきます。 そして、その経験を通じて学んだ伝統文化の必要性や可能性を、文化の中心地である京都で、未来を担っていく若者である学生の皆様にお伝えしたいと思います。 最後に、私自身のビジョンについて皆様の前で宣言させていただければと思います。 みなさんにとって興味深い内容になるよう、明るく元気にスピーチしたいと思います! 同志社大学経済学部二年の石田諭基と申します。 普段は、「文化の力で、人類の生きがいを作り続ける」をミッションに、京都の伝統文化を盛り上げていくために、工芸雑貨ブランドやコミュニティを運営しております。 大学入学を機に京都に来てから今まで、多くの場所を訪れ、様々な職人さんにお会いし、伝統文化について学んできました。 今回は、このような活動を通じて得た経験や私自身の伝統文化に対する想いをお話しできればと思います。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 5:05The Anxiety of Choice | Emaan Khurram | TEDxBICLahoreIn a world full of endless possibilities, why does making decisions feel so overwhelming? Emaan Khurram dives into the psychology behind the anxiety of choice, exploring how too many options can lead to stress, doubt, and regret. She shares insights on overcoming decision fatigue and finding clarity in a world of uncertainty. Watch this talk to learn how to make choices with confidence and peace of mind. Emaan Khurram is a Member of the Youth General Assembly and an Ambassador for the Pakistan Law Students Association. She is a legal intern, freelance writer, and also serves as an Ambassador for the Women in Law Initiative Pakistan, promoting gender equality in the legal field. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 5:58Discovering Happiness in Humanity | Sophia Warraich | TEDxBICLahoreWhat truly makes us happy? In this insightful talk, Ms. Sophia explores the deep connection between happiness and humanity. She shares thought-provoking perspectives on kindness, empathy, and the power of human connection in shaping a more fulfilling life. Watch as she unravels the secret to lasting joy by embracing the people around us. With years of dedication to philanthropic work, she firmly believes that humanity comes first, guiding her mission to create a positive impact in society. She has been honored with prestigious awards, including a British award from the House of Lords for her outstanding humanitarian work and the United Nations Excellence Award for her exceptional contributions to humanitarian causes. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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- 13:07Mastering life's unexpected notes | Paola Zamora | TEDxCNUUnlike performing music, the notes that make up your life aren't always written on the page in front of you. The defining moments of our life are often defined by how we respond when we are not certain what is happening next. It is in those moments we can often find our purpose. Paola Zamora is an educator and musician with a Bachelor’s degree in Music Education from Kansas State University. She grew up in Kansas and spent two years teaching elementary music while also serving as a marching band assistant. Currently, she works at Soundscapes as a Level One Teacher and Grant Writer, where she combines her passion for music and education to make a meaningful impact. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 11:08The power of 'and' to shape your life | Dr. Jess Hench | TEDxCNUDr. Jess Hench wants to share what the ampersand means to her. It isn’t just a cool punctuation mark, or a random conjunction…It’s actually a philosophy of life.We so often hear metaphors of life being like a book. You’re in a certain chapter right now. You’re writing your life story.But life doesn’t follow a storyline with a beginning, middle, and a neatly resolved end. There isn’t necessarily a point or a moral. The plot isn’t clear.When we get stuck on this vision of life as a storyline, that opens up phrases like “I took the wrong path.” “I made wrong turn.” “I hit a dead end.” “I’ve gone backward.” “I’m behind.”Life doesn’t follow a storyline. Instead, it is a mosaic of moments.The “and” philosophy opens up the possibilities in our lives and helps us see that every moment adds to this beautiful mosaic.After all, the human experience isn’t a story. There’s no plot. We are all here together, building this mosaic of humanity. And each of us gets too choose what we will add to it. Dr. Jess Hench began her career teaching elementary school, and she is now a professor of Leadership Studies at CNU. She has presented at conferences, led study abroad, and teaches several courses per semester. She has traveled throughout the world and gotten to know incredible people from all walks of life. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at