Revolutionizing RNA therapeutics | Audrey Nsamela | TEDxIAE Aix Marseille
In this inspiring TEDx talk, Audrey Nsamela challenges the notion of impossibility by exploring how improbable events can lead to groundbreaking innovations. Audrey is co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Inside Therapeutics, a company dedicated to breaking technological barriers in the development of life-saving therapies, i.e. RNA-based treatments for cancer and rare genetic diseases.
Drawing from her own improbable journey—from her unique background as a Belgian scientist with Congolese roots to becoming a deeptech entrepreneur in Bordeaux—Audrey illustrates how pushing boundaries and questioning the status quo can transform the seemingly impossible into reality. With a blend of personal stories, scientific insights, and humor, she demonstrates that the limits we see are often just perceptions waiting to be challenged.Discover how rethinking the impossible can open new horizons—not just in science, but in all areas of life. Audrey is co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Inside Therapeutics, a company dedicated to breaking technological barriers in the development of life-saving therapies, i.e. RNA-based treatments for cancer and rare genetic diseases. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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- 9:48A természet szuperhősei: évelő virágok | Anna Bereczki | TEDxLibertyBridgeWomenVirágok, mint szuperhősök? Elsőre talán furcsán hangzik, de az évelő növények valóban képesek változást hozni – ha hagyjuk őket. Az előadás egy olyan világba kalauzol, ahol a természet nem csupán dekoráció, hanem kulcsszereplője a fenntartható jövőnek. Miért tűnik mégis úgy, hogy mi, emberek, inkább a kriptonitjuk vagyunk, mint szövetségeseik? És hogyan válhatunk a segítségükké? Egy inspiráló történet a városi betondzsungel és az élő, lélegző zöld terek közötti választásról – amely mindannyiunk kezében van. / Flowers as superheroes? It may sound unusual at first, but perennial plants have the power to create real change—if we let them. This talk takes us into a world where nature is not just decoration but a key player in a sustainable future. So why does it seem like we humans act more like their kryptonite than their allies? And how can we change that? An inspiring story about the choice between a concrete jungle and thriving, living green spaces—one that is in our hands. Fiatal női agtech vállalkozóként szenvedélyesen támogatja a regeneratív mezőgazdaságot és a nők szerepvállalását az agráriumban. Büszke tagja a Women in Technology és a Women in Agtech szervezeteknek. A University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign-en a Mester képzése alatt a Planting Design-ról tanult. Új projektje a BBlooms, melynek célja, hogy minél több őshonos, diverz, évelő, méhbarát és alacsony fenntartási igénnyel rendelkező kertet hozzanak létre. / As a young female agtech entrepreneur, she passionately supports regenerative agriculture and the empowerment of women in the agricultural sector. She is a proud member of Women in Technology and Women in Agtech. During her Master’s studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, she had the opportunity to learn about Planting Design. In her new project, BBlooms, her goal is to create as many native, diverse, perennial, pollinator-friendly, and low-maintenance gardens as possible. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 13:51Rutintalanok előnyben | Ágnes Paul | TEDxLibertyBridgeWomenMiért ragaszkodunk a megszokott szokásainkhoz, még akkor is, ha a világ körülöttünk folyamatosan változik? Az emberek nehezen mozdulnak ki a komfortzónájukból, míg az állatvilág már alkalmazkodik a klímaváltozás új kihívásaihoz. Az előadás inspiráló példákon keresztül mutatja meg, hogy a rutintörés lehet az egyik legfontosabb képességünk a jövőben – legyen szó az elektromos autó forradalmáról, vagy a bajusz-növesztő mozgalomról. / Why do we cling to our routines, even when the world around us is constantly changing? Humans struggle to step out of their comfort zones, while the animal kingdom is already adapting to the challenges of climate change. Through inspiring examples, this talk explores how breaking routines could become one of our most vital skills for the future—whether it’s the revolution of electric cars or the rise of the mustache-growing movement. PR-kommunikációs tanácsadóként elkötelezetten segíti a jó ügyeket. Korábban országos és nemzetközi TV- és rádiócsatornáknál dolgozott. 2008-ban alapított ügynökségével olyan szervezetek és cégek munkáját támogatja, amelyek pozitív hatást gyakorolnak a társadalmunkra. Szakterülete az etikus, zöld tematikájú kommunikációs tanácsadás. Egy társulat alapítójaként elkötelezetten kiáll a megoldásfókuszú klímakommunikációért és fellép a greenwashing ellen. / As a PR and communications consultant, she is dedicated to supporting meaningful causes. She previously for national and international TV and radio channels. In 2008, she founded her own agency, supporting organizations and companies that create a positive social impact. Her expertise lies in ethical and environmentally focused communications consulting. As a founder of a professional group, she’s committed to solution-oriented climate communication and actively opposes greenwashing. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 15:51Átlagostól eltérő normális életünk | Eszter Balla | TEDxLibertyBridgeWomenKívülről cseppet sem tűnik hétköznapinak az élet, ha az ember egy Down-szindrómás gyereket nevel, Balla Eszter előadásában mégis rávilágít arra, hogy sok szempontból pont ugyanolyanok a mindennapjaik, mint bárki másnak. Eszter történetén, a szomorú, boldog, dühös és humoros pillanatokon keresztül egy nem átlagos, de teljesen normális élet valója tárul elénk. / Life with a child with Down syndrome may seem anything but ordinary from the outside. Yet, in her talk, Balla Eszter highlights how, in many ways, their daily lives are just like anyone else’s. Through moments of joy, sorrow, frustration, and humor, she offers an intimate glimpse into a life that may not be typical—but is completely normal. Balla Esztert korkedvezménnyel, tizenhét évesen vették fel a Színház- és Filmművészeti Egyetem zenés osztályába. Pályája kultikus nagyjátékfilmekkel, nagyszínpadi musical főszerepekkel és alternatív színházi műhelymunkákkal indult. Néhány évvel később, viszonylag fiatalon vállalta első gyermekét, aki Down szindrómával született. Három gyermekes édesanyaként és egy értelmileg akadályozott gyermek szülőjeként kiemelten fontosnak tartja a társadalmi érzékenyítést és edukációt. / Balla Eszter was accepted into the University of Theatre and Film Arts at just 17, receiving early admission to the musical theater program. Her career began with iconic feature films, leading roles in large-scale musicals, and work in alternative theater productions. A few years later, at a relatively young age, she welcomed her first child, Emma, who was born with Down syndrome. As a mother of three and a parent of a child with an intellectual disability, she is a passionate advocate for social awareness. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 10:44Turning passion into profession is the ultimate fulfillment | Eshwar Bolegar | TEDxVishnu InstituteDoing what you love while making an impact. It starts with dedication, continuous learning, and taking action. Passion fuels persistence, helping overcome challenges and setbacks. Whether in fitness, art, or business, turning a hobby into a career requires strategy, consistency, and adaptability. Building expertise, creating value, and connecting with an audience are key. When passion meets purpose, work no longer feels like a job but a meaningful journey. The most successful careers are born from passion, where skills and enthusiasm align to create lasting success and personal satisfaction. Eshwar Bolegar is a dynamic 22-year-old fitness entrepreneur and content creator who has already made significant waves in the industry. As the co-founder and senior coach at the Fitnex online training platform, he combines passion with expertise to deliver innovative and effective fitness solutions. His commitment to excellence is highlighted by his impressive achievements—winning Gold at ICN INDIA 2022 and earning the title of Pro Card holder in ICN INDIA 2024. Alongside his coaching duties, Eshwar dedicates himself full-time to producing engaging fitness content. Through his popular YouTube and Instagram channels, he shares expert tips on fitness, lifestyle, and productivity, aiming to inspire and empower college students and young adults to achieve a balanced and healthy life. His work not only motivates his audience to pursue their fitness goals but also provides practical guidance for navigating the challenges of student life and beyond. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 23:59Great Salt Lake in Crisis | Geralyn Dreyfous & Erika Cohen | TEDxParkCityWomenTwo women invested in saving Utah's Great Salt Lake delve into the environmental and social issues surrounding the shrinking inland sea, and share video clips from documentary projects. Geralyn Dreyfous has taught classes with colleague and writer-in-residence Terry Tempest Williams on Great Salt Lake at Harvard Divinity School. Geralyn White Dreyfous is an American film producer with a wide, distinguished background in the arts. Geralyn’s independent executive producing and producing credits include the Academy Award winning BORN INTO BROTHELS (2004); Academy Award nominated and Peabody Award winning THE INVISIBLE WAR (2012), Academy Award nominated and Emmy Award winning THE SQUARE (2013), and Emmy Award winning 16 SHOTS (2019). Geralyn stands as Founder and Board Chair of Utah Film Center, Co-Founder of Impact Partners, and a founding member of Gamechanger Films.Erika Cohn is an Emmy and Peabody Award-winning director and producer of documentary films. She has won a Peabody Award for her film The Judge and has also won Emmys for her films Belly of the Beast and In Football We Trust.Her work has also been featured on PBS' Independent Lens. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 20:14Networking, Not Working: The Power of Human Connection | Sandeep Israni | TEDxVishnu InstituteIn today’s fast-paced world, success isn’t just about what you know—it’s about who you know and, more importantly, how you connect. Networking isn’t about exchanging business cards or transactional relationships; it’s about building meaningful, authentic connections that create opportunities, foster trust, and drive personal and professional growth. Science proves that strong networks lead to increased creativity, career success, and even better well-being. By shifting from “working the room” to truly engaging with people, we unlock the power of genuine relationships. This talk explores how human connection, not just hard work, is the key to unlocking new possibilities. Mr. Sandeep Israni is a visionary leader with over 20 years of experience in real estate sales and marketing. As a Partner at Tulip Group since April 2022, he oversees sales, marketing, and customer relations, driving transformative projects. Previously, he co-founded BrightBrain Marketing Technologies LLP in 2016, growing it into a 55+ employee digital marketing agency. As Business Head, he enhanced sales efficiency and brand presence. Passionate about education, he serves as a Visiting Professor at SCMHRD and Xavier’s Institute of Business Management Studies, inspiring future leaders to think innovatively. For Sandeep, success is about setting trends and creating lasting impacts. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at