Modern Voices, Ancient Values | Thai Hoa Nguyen Anh | TEDxGreenwich University Hanoi
Senior student at Luong The Vinh High School (Tan Trieu), Ha Noi. Founder of sontArt. Growing up as a child with two different ethnicities (Cham and Kinh), I have acknowledged myself to appreciate my uniqueness and the mission to continue preserving and promoting cultural heritage. My speech is going to tell you about noticing the potential of KOLs's influence in culture preservation Senior student at Luong The Vinh High School (Tan Trieu), Ha Noi. Founder of sontArt. Growing up as a child with two different ethnicities (Cham and Kinh), I have acknowledged myself to appreciate my uniqueness and the mission to continue preserving and promoting cultural heritage. My speech will tell you about noticing the potential of KOLs' influence in culture preservation. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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- 8:31Lessons from Organic Farming | Mercy Olive Danduprolu | TEDxBIS Wuxi YouthDid you know how much percent of farmers do organic farming? It's 22%- wow! Mercy Danduprolu, grade 8, presents her TED Talk, "Lessons from Organic Farming." Mercy’s talk helps us understand that organic farming teaches us that we should do our part for the environment just like the farmers do, too. Did you know how much percent of farmers do organic farming? It's 22%- wow! Mercy Danduprolu, grade 8, presents her TED Talk, "Lessons from Organic Farming." Mercy’s talk helps us understand that organic farming teaches us that we should do our part for the environment just like the farmers do, too. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 8:28Sadness Romanticization | Truc Lam Nguyen | TEDxGreenwich University HanoiYou wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raise me" by Taylor Swift is weirdly relatable in the middle of one of those random waves of sadness, isn't it? Somewhere along the way, sadness got this weird glow-up as something poetic and deep. But what if we're just romanticizing being miserable? Here’s 8 minutes of me yapping about why having Taylor Swift as your most streamed artist might not be the flex you think it is. Student at Nguyen Gia Thieu High school This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 18:03Will AI write the epitaph of the songwriter? | Scott Greeson | TEDxWabash Heritage TrailSinger-songwriter Scott Greeson, has been entertaining audiences with his original songs for decades. He is dedicated to helping others that include assisting with their songwriting and recording projects, co-writing and performing with fellow musicians, and in leading organizations in charitable work. In this talk, Scott is challenging us to not lose our humanity during our creation process and focus on living the irreplaceable life stories before letting AI take over. Singer-songwriter Scott Greeson, has been entertaining audiences with his original songs for decades. Scott Greeson's strengths as a musician are many. The stories he illustrates with his words and melodies are vivid. He has ease in how he connects with his audiences, and is a loving leader of his band. He also shifts to a supporting role as a a guitarist and vocalist for another of his co-writers, Vickie Maris. He is forever expanding to new heights in helping others with their songwriting and recording projects, in co-writing and performing with fellow musicians, and in leading organizations in charitable work. Greeson is the co-founder of the Songwriters Association of Mid-North Indiana, REC Room Recording, and The Shirley Martin Scholarship for young songwriters. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 14:39Truth and Reconciliation in Ottawa | Jennifer David | TEDxMechanicsvilleTruth and reconciliation in Ottawa starts with acknowledging colonial history and Indigenous rights. Beyond symbolic gestures, true reconciliation requires collective action, solidarity, and a commitment to learning and unlearning. Jennifer is infinitely curious (her small-town relatives might say nosy!), and a born storyteller. She is of mixed ancestry and belongs to Chapleau Cree First Nation, She moved to Ottawa in 1990 to study journalism at Carleton University, and has lived on Anishinaabe Algonquin territory ever since. She was the Director of Communications for the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network, then started a communications consulting company as a youth entrepreneur, then joined a company called NVision Insight Group, where she is currently a Senior Consultant and Lead of the Truth and Reconciliation service basket. Jennifer continues to amplify Indigenous voices and tell stories. In her professional life, she creates, facilitates, educates and presents on topics related to Truth & Reconciliation. In her personal life, she wrote a book about APTN, she co-hosted a podcast on Indigenous literature with Anishinaabe writer Waubgeshig Rice, and she is currently working on a book about her First Nation. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 16:16La forza dello sport: il basket in carrozzina per l’inclusione sociale | Alberto Cairo | TEDxForlìNel suo talk, Alberto Cairo racconta 35 anni in Afghanistan dedicati alla riabilitazione e all’inclusione delle persone con disabilità. Dallo scetticismo iniziale alla creazione di squadre di basket in carrozzina, la sua storia mostra come lo sport possa sfidare limiti fisici, pregiudizi e divieti culturali. Un appello a riconoscere lo sport come strumento di emancipazione e riscatto, anche nei contesti più difficili. Alberto Cairo lavora in Afghanistan in progetti per la riabilitazione fisica e il reinserimento sociale delle persone con disabilità e per le donne. Collabora con il Comitato Internazionale della Croce Rossa (CICR) ed è il presidente di NOVE Caring Humans, una delle poche organizzazioni italiane presenti a Kabul. Laureato in Giurisprudenza e diplomato in fisioterapia, ha lavorato in Sudan e Sarajevo. Dal 1990 vive e opera in Afghanistan, testimone di cinque regimi successivi. Ha scritto per Einaudi Storie da Kabul e Mosaico Afghano. Un terzo libro, un romanzo, sarà presto nelle librerie. Collabora con il quotidiano La Repubblica. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 13:13Acqua nello spazio: chiave per missioni spaziali sostenibili | Fabrizio Ponti | TEDxForlìNel suo talk, Fabrizio Ponti esplora le sfide dell’esplorazione spaziale e il ruolo chiave delle risorse naturali, come l’acqua, per un futuro sostenibile. Sottolinea l’importanza di sfruttare le risorse disponibili su Luna e Marte per ridurre i costi delle missioni, evitando la dipendenza dalla Terra. Un appello a ripensare il nostro approccio alle risorse e ad adottare soluzioni innovative per affrontare le sfide del futuro. L'ingegnere di Forlì con la passione per lo spazio. Fabrizio Ponti è Responsabile dell’Unità Operativa del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale presso il Campus di Forlì, e coordinatore di 2 progetti Europei (BOOST e WET) sulla propulsione elettrica per lo spazio, in collaborazione con centri di ricerca, università e aziende in tutto il mondo. È autore di oltre 130 pubblicazioni scientifiche, di cui oltre 40 apparse su riviste a diffusione internazionale sui temi della propulsione a razzi solidi, liquidi, elettrici e dei propulsori per autotrazione, e ha ottenuto 8 brevetti internazionali nell’ambito del controllo dei motopropulsori finalizzati all’abbattimento delle emissioni. Socio fondatore di Alma-Automotive srl, spin-off accademico accreditato dell’Università di Bologna che sviluppa idee innovative (comprese quelle per veicoli spaziali), quando non lavora Fabrizio Ponti ama passeggiare in montagna per pensare alla sua prossima grande idea. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at