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Exploring the world as a Deaf traveller | Melisa Ozerska | TEDxFrankfurt

Can you imagine exploring 61 countries without hearing a sound? Melisa shares her incredible journey as a Deaf traveler, breaking barriers and building connections across cultures. Her story will inspire you to embrace inclusion and see the world differently. Melisa is a Deaf traveller, video maker, and content creator from Estonia. She started travelling at the young age of 16, which gave her the opportunity to explore new cultures and discover innovative ways to communicate while breaking down barriers encountered along the way. A passionate advocate for Deaf rights, representation, and accessibility, Melisa works to push societal limits in everything she does. Having explored 61 countries, she has firsthand experience with the challenges and successes of navigating the world as a Deaf individual. For Melisa, communication is key, regardless of how different people’s worlds may seem. Whether through body language, sign language, written communication, or simple expressions, her ability to connect and include others is fundamental. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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