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Endurance in Everyday Life | Niyati Sawant | TEDxAl Diyafah High School

My talk explores how we, individuals, often want immediate gratification for our success. But, what we need to realize is that it is deteriorating our quality of life. Growing up in this world of fleeting satisfaction, I've observed people around me lose meaningful connections with their goals and passions, all because they didn't receive instant gratification for them. My passion for hiking, an unexpected experience in my life changed my perspective on true fulfillment. The mountains taught me that success and fulfillment are not achieved at the end of the hike but in the journey to the summit. By delaying gratification and enduring the journey, you too can finally feel the true sense of accomplishment that gives meaning and purpose to life. Because, “the very pain of endurance may just become your superpower to success”. i everyone! My name is Niyati Dharmesh Sawant, and I am an adventurer and foodie at heart. A place where I don't have to search for ideas, but rather where ideas come to me, is the mountains. The contentment I experience amidst the valleys, trails and wadis is something no momentary joy can match. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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