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我与自我——从公益出发的探寻之旅 | Chenhao Liu | TEDxJXEFLS Youth

演讲围绕“七年”这个时间节点,讲述了演讲者如何在14至21岁之间,通过参与Mininfinity的教育公益活动,完成自我探索与成长。在此期间,他逐步明确了自己的人生目标——用真公益改变世界。Mininfinity不仅让他接触到现实中的困难与温暖,更让他在志愿服务中找到意义,见证了公益的力量及其对受助者和志愿者自身的双重影响。演讲者的经历传递出一个重要思想:自我发现是一个持续的过程,公益不仅是帮助他人,更是自我价值的实现。他鼓励每个人珍视自己的人生阶段,勇敢追寻内心的热爱,寻找真正值得投入的事物。 Liu ChenHao, a graduate student in psychology. He has been working for Mininfinity during 2017-2024, mainly responsible for the operation and coordination of offline activities. This organization focuses on the problem of educational inequality in relatively disadvantaged areas and strives to bring diversified and abundant activities to children there. He considers “anti-utilitarianism” and “eliminating educational inequality” as main concerns and hopes to find solutions to these issues from the perspective of high school and college students. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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