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From Molecules to Life: A Physicist’s Search for Biology’s Secrets | Petra Schwille | TEDxTUM

What is life, and how did it originate? Petra Schwille, a biophysicist and director at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, delves into these profound questions by striving to recreate the essence of life from its most basic components. In her talk, she takes us on her journey from studying individual molecules with advanced optical techniques to constructing minimal cells that embody the key characteristics of life—self-organization, replication, and energy utilization. She illustrates how bottom-up synthetic biology seeks not only to uncover the origins of life but also to expand the frontiers of scientific exploration. Biophysicist and Director of Cellular and Molecular Biophysics at the Max Planck Institute. From decoding life’s mysteries at the molecular level to pioneering new methods in biophysics, Petra’s career is a journey of relentless curiosity. Starting with a love for physics, she ventured into biological systems, inventing techniques to measure molecular interactions in real-time. Now as a Max Planck Director, Petra's mission is to build simpler versions of life to better understand its complexity. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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