Why it’s never too early to think about death | Alejandra Treviño | TEDxAkron
Delivered in 2018 at TEDxAkron's ConnecTED event, high school senior Alejandra Treviño, delivers a powerful talk about it never being too early to start thinking about death, mortality, but also how we could change the way we view it and our abilities to be eco-friendly for the future. Because for Alejandra, talking about death is more about making your life actually mean something. Alejandra Trevino is a senior at North High School in Akron, Ohio, and an advocate for death positivity for all people and cultures. She was born in Akron, Ohio, and has lived here most of her life. She’s a very creative and free spirit who is passionate about all she does. In her free time, she enjoys knitting, crocheting, and playing guitar, most of which she taught herself. She plans on attending Kent State University in the fall of 2018 to pursue a bachelor’s degree in biology with a focus in pre-medicine. Alejandra hopes to become a forensic pathologist and mortician and to one day own her own funeral home. Although she is only 17, her ideas, moral compass, and intellectual ability speak volumes to her maturity and adaptability. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
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