Con cuantas gotas se derrama un vaso | Rodrigo Contreras | TEDxZacatecas
La vida está llena de momentos que, gota a gota, van acumulándose hasta provocar un cambio inevitable. Pero, ¿cuántas son suficientes para transformar nuestra realidad? En esta charla, exploraremos cómo las pequeñas acciones, decisiones y emociones se suman hasta generar grandes impactos en nuestra vida y en nuestro entorno. Una reflexión sobre la resiliencia, el cambio y el punto de quiebre que nos lleva a evolucionar. Rodrigo Contreras es un activista comprometido con la protección del medio ambiente y un reflexionante de los cambios que la humanidad debe emprender para un futuro sostenible. A través de su labor, busca generar conciencia sobre el impacto de nuestras acciones en el planeta y la importancia de tomar decisiones responsables. Su enfoque va más allá de la conservación; invita a cuestionar, reflexionar y actuar para construir un mundo más equilibrado y armonioso con la naturaleza. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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- 13:02De la adversidad a proyecto de vida | Valentina Gómez Mosquera | TEDxUISLa vida nos enfrenta a momentos desafiantes: enfermedades, pérdidas y ausencias que nos sacuden y nos ponen a prueba. Sin embargo, en medio de la adversidad, también descubrimos nuestra capacidad de resistencia, crecimiento y transformación, como un susurro al oido que nos dice: Valentía, vida mía. Ingenieria Industrial, emprendedora y fundadora de una de las marcas de alimentación saludable mas importante de la región, llega para enseñarnos cómo a través de la conexión con los alimentos reales y un estilo de vida REAL-mente saludable llegamos a un equilibrio físico-mental. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 8:06Logro desbloqueado...¿y ahora qué? | Edgar Cordoba Sarmiento | TEDxUIS¿Qué sigue después de alcanzar la meta propuesta? En esta charla exploraremos cómo manejar las sensaciones después del añorado logro, cómo redefinir objetivos para seguir creciendo en las diferentes áreas, la importancia del autoconocimiento, la expansión de habilidades y la búsqueda de propósito más allá de los objetivos iniciales. Ingeniero industrial, magíster en Ingeniería Industrial con énfasis en modelado, simulación y optimización de sistemas productivos y logísticos. Partícipe de diferentes espacios de divulgación y construcción de conocimiento, como congresos, conferencias, talleres, ponencias, cursos orientados, entre otros. Docente universitario con experiencia en diferentes instituciones educativas, dirigiendo asignaturas de métodos cuantitativos aplicados a la ingeniería industrial. Investigador con experiencia en proyectos del sector agroindustrial y el sector salud. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 12:00L'Arte è inutile | Giuseppe Teofilo | TEDxBarlettaSalonGiuseppe Teofilo esplora il concetto di arte e la sua utilità€ attraverso la storia, utilizzando esempi iconici come le opere di Duchamp e Malevic e sottolineando come essa si sia evoluta da rappresentazione a concetto, culminando in opere che sfidano la percezione tradizionale. Se arrivassero forme di vita extraterrestri sulla terra come potrebbero interpretare l'arte umana? Davvero la reputerebbero inutile? Giuseppe Teofilo è tra le più rilevanti promesse dell'arte contemporanea in Puglia. Le sue opere sono spesso il frutto dell'assemblaggio di oggetti diversi derivanti dalla tradizione mediterranea e della cultura classica. Raffinato disegnatore di formazione, i suoi lavori sono corpi di geometrie attraverso accumuli di forme organiche ed elementi naturali. La sua è una ricerca neo-oggettuale, segnata anche dalla trasposizione plastica, che evolve verso corpi scultorei lineari e geometrici; una poetica di affascinante evocazione di quel carattere mediterraneo da sempre al centro della sua produzione. Le sue opere sono presenti in importanti collezioni in Italia e all'estero. Fra i vincitori (2007) del Premio Giovanni e Marella Agnelli (presieduto da Francois Pinault). Ha tenuto la sua prima mostra personale nel 2009 presso il Museo Pino Pascali. Dal 2022 è Direttore Artistico della Fondazione Pino Pascali - Museo d'Arte Contemporanea di cui è stato anche Presidente dal 2016. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 9:37El deporte, formador para la academia | Silvia Niño Villamizar | TEDxUISEsta charla explora el papel fundamental del deporte en la formación académica y personal. A través de ejemplos y reflexiones, se analizará cómo la práctica deportiva fomenta valores como la disciplina, el trabajo en equipo y la resiliencia, contribuyendo al desarrollo integral de los jóvenes. Además. Reconocida deportista de nuestro país 8 veces campeona mundial de patinaje e Ingenieria Industrial graduada de la Universidad de Santander (UDES) y Especialista Gerencia Financiera. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 13:05Wiring the Brain: The Beauty of Neural Connections | Julijana Gjorgjieva | TEDxTUMHave you ever wondered what goes on inside a newborn’s brain? Far from being a blank slate, a baby’s brain is teeming with activity, alive with electrical bursts that set the stage for learning, perception, and thought. In this captivating talk, Professor Julijana Gjorgjieva at TUM takes us on an enlightening journey through the fascinating process of early brain development. She highlights the synchronized neural "fireworks" and the delicate balance of excitation and inhibition that plays a crucial role in shaping our neural connections. Professor Julijana Gjorgjieva is a Professor of Computational Neuroscience at the Technical University of Munich. She is particularly interested in how the brain's circuits are tuned to maintain a balance between constant change as we learn new things and robustness to produce reliable behaviour. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 17:10Powering Africa through Energy Independence | Emmanuel Ibe Kachikwu | TEDxMambillaStShedding light on Africa’s paradox - rich in natural resources yet plagued by energy poverty, Dr. Kachikwu recounts a conversation that questions why energy access remains a privilege rather than a right.He explores Africa’s vast energy potential, the failures in resource monetization, and the urgent need for strategic policies. The talk challenges African leaders, policymakers, and the populace to rethink energy, infrastructure, and self-reliance, urging them to harness local resources, think globally, and prioritize value creation for the African people, as the only way for the continent to effectively progress. Prof. Emmanuel Ibe Kachikwu is a former Minister of State Petroleum Resources of The Federal Republic of Nigeria and Chairman of the Board of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) 2015 - 2019. He also served as Group Managing Director, NNPC from 2015-2016 and became the only Nigerian to have held at the same time, portfolios of Group Managing Director, NNPC, Minister of State Petroleum, President of OPEC, president Of GECF, and President of APPO. He was the Executive Vice Chairman of Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited and General Counsel for ExxonMobil Nigeria affiliate Upstream and Downstream Companies in Nigeria before his time in government.Prof. Emmanuel Ibe Kachikwu is a visiting Professor in several universities globally including Harvard and three Nigerian universities. He is the author of over 12 law books on energy, contract, investment & petroleum. He is an international consultant on petroleum and energy policy matters to various countries & companies. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at