在無助中尋找改變的力量:動物醫療的永續藍圖 | 簡肇儀 | TEDxTainan Salon
簡肇儀院長分享了她作為臨床獸醫師與飼主的真實心聲,從陪伴愛貓達浪的醫療經歷談起,揭露台灣動物醫療產業中的挑戰與突破。她不僅強調了獸醫助理在團隊中不可或缺的重要性,也展望未來台灣在獸醫教育與技術人才培訓上的可能性。讓我們一起探討如何實現動物醫療的永續發展,為動物和飼主帶來更美好的未來。 簡肇儀,來自台灣三代四人的獸醫世家,台南中美獸醫院總院長朱碧娥和亞洲大學獸醫系主任簡基憲的獨生女。2014年返台後,致力於台南市動保處的流浪動物結紮工作,深入各鄉鎮進行動物絕育和晶片植入,減少流浪動物對生態的影響,並致力於實現社會責任和動物福利的雙重目標。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
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- 16:47What’s missing from what we teach our kids? | Benjamin Davies | TEDxBaiaMareÎn acest TEDx Talk captivant, Benjamin Davies explorează viitorul educației și transformarea modului în care învățăm și ne dezvoltăm. Cu o perspectivă globală și o pasiune pentru potențialul fiecărui copil, el pune accent pe importanța formării valorilor, a dezvoltării emoționale, spirituale și fizice, precum și a cultivării curiozității și încrederii.Benjamin subliniază nevoia de a trece dincolo de simplele cunoștințe predate și de a construi un sistem educațional care să echipeze copiii cu abilități esențiale de viață, autonomie și motivație. Discursul său aduce în prim-plan rolul crucial al profesorilor și părinților în modelarea generațiilor viitoare și în transformarea educației dintr-o simplă conformitate într-un proces care le permite copiilor să descopere că ei contează și pot realiza orice își propun. Ben is the Head of School and Learning Designer at Colina Learning Center in Romania, where he strives to create transformative learning experiences for all ages. Originally from England, Ben brings a wealth of expertise from his background in psychology and mathematics education.Before relocating to Romania, he served as Headmaster at St Andrew’s Scots School in Buenos Aires, Argentina, honing his skills as an innovative school leader.Ben is passionate about reimagining education to prepare young people for their future, not our past. He believes that authentic and meaningful learning is vital to elevating humanity and fostering global progress.At Colina Learning Center, Ben is dedicated to building a vibrant, supportive community that embodies this vision, inspiring students to thrive and make a positive impact on the world. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 18:01未知焦慮X共處前行 | 蘇益賢 | TEDxNTUE在日常生活中,我們經常需要面對各種「未知」。這種充滿不確定性與持續變化的狀態,或許正是未來世界的常態。作為人類,我們難免因此感到焦慮。在這次分享中,臨床心理師蘇益賢將透過心理學對焦慮的深入研究,剖析未知焦慮的本質,並提出兩個應對方向,幫助聽眾更深入地了解未知焦慮,學習如何有效應對,從而自在地與未知共存。 臨床心理師,現為初色心理治療所副所長。致力於心理健康議題之大眾推廣,每年於企業學校演講達百場以上。共同創辦「心理師想跟你說」粉專在臉書已擁有超過十萬追蹤數。專長為情緒調節、壓力心理學、與正向心理學等,著有《練習不壓抑》、《練習不快樂?!》、《從此不再壓力山大》等書。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 17:47Unbreakable Spirit: The DNA of Never Giving Up | Niharica Raizada | TEDxPodar World CollegeNiharica Raizada is a versatile actress, model, and healthcare professional known for her work in the Indian film industry. After completing her MRes in Translational Medicine at Imperial College London, she pursued cardiology research at Johns Hopkins University before transitioning to acting.Niharica made her debut in Bengali cinema later appearing in films like Masaan (2015), Baby (2015), Total Dhamaal (2019), and Sooryavanshi (2021), where she portrayed a significant role as an Inspector. Her performance in IB71 (2023) earned her the prestigious Dadasaheb Phalke Indian Television Award for Best Actress. Niharica has also showcased her talent in music and modeling, and has been ranked among the Times 50 Most Desirable Women in India.Apart from acting, she has contributed to the medical field, performing heart surgeries and researching heart diseases. Her remarkable blend of talents and achievements continues to inspire many.Date: 14th December 2024Venue: Podar International SchoolOrganised by Aahaan Shekhar, Nami Sanghani, Sargam Bijoor & Assad KhatriNiharica Raizada is a versatile actress, model, and healthcare professional known for her work in the Indian film industry. After completing her MRes in Translational Medicine at Imperial College London, she pursued cardiology research at Johns Hopkins University before transitioning to acting.Niharica made her debut in Bengali cinema later appearing in films like Masaan (2015), Baby (2015), Total Dhamaal (2019), and Sooryavanshi (2021), where she portrayed a significant role as an Inspector. Her performance in IB71 (2023) earned her the prestigious Dadasaheb Phalke Indian Television Award for Best Actress. Niharica has also showcased her talent in music and modeling, and has been ranked among the Times 50 Most Desirable Women in India. Apart from acting, she has contributed to the medical field, performing heart surgeries and researching heart diseases. Her remarkable blend of talents and achievements continues to inspire many. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 9:20How to return to your true selfーA $100 million question | Reiko Nakauchi | TEDxKhargharWomenThe speaker emphasizes that living as your true self is the key to happiness and fulfillment, both for yourself and others. Drawing from 17 years of experience running a school, the speaker shares how, despite outward success, they felt a void until asking themselves, "If I had $100 million, what would I do?" This question revealed their true desire to expand educational opportunities globally.The speaker suggests asking this same question to others to uncover their true selves. They advocate removing three things to find one's true self: dependence, guilt, and social status. By eliminating these, individuals can align their actions with their values and mission.Living as your true self leads to self-love, respect, and a greater capacity to contribute to others' happiness. The speaker concludes that finding and committing to your true self brings real joy and fulfillment.Reiko Nakauchi is an educator, author, business owner, mother, consultant and researcher with more than 30 years experience in education.She currently runs three bilingual schools in Silicon Valley (US), and one in Japan. She released her book "Silicon Valley Style: The World's Best Parenting," in 2020 which was ranked No. 1 in three education categories on Amazon in Japan. She also loves to travel and discover the educational needs of children around the world This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 18:42Mitul Echilibrului: Puterea Mentalității de Creștere | Anna Gîta | TEDxBaiaMareÎn acest TEDx Talk inspirațional, Anna Gîta a provocat audiența să renunțe la mitul echilibrului perfect și să îmbrățișeze haosul ca pe o cale către pasiune și împlinire. Cu rădăcini balcanice și o carieră construită în America, Anna a evidențiat cum muncind cu determinare și depășind limitele confortului putem transforma imposibilul în posibil.Ea a subliniat importanța reprezentării și susținerii femeilor, creând o cultură incluzivă în care fiecare voce contează. În încheiere, Anna i-a îndemnat pe toți să pună la îndoială ideea de echilibru și să îmbrățișeze cu curaj munca asiduă, să-și sprijine comunitatea și să creeze un viitor în care imposibilul devine o realitate colectivă. „Împreună, avem puterea de a destabiliza status quo-ul și de a transforma visele noastre în realitate,” a fost mesajul ei final. Anna este CEO-ul MaxWeb și a construit o afacere de opt cifre în mai puțin de 5 ani, fără a avea experiență în lumea marketingului afiliat. Specialitatea ei sunt reclamele native, conținutul și marketingul de performanță în spațiul digital.MaxWeb ajută proprietarii de produse și afiliații să genereze profituri de peste $100 milioane în fiecare an.Motto-ul ei este simplu: „într-o lume în care poți fi orice, fii bun!” This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx