The Link between the Observant Mind and Flow Theory | Cornelia Hersland | TEDxAalborg
Cornelia Hersland invites us to try out some anthropological participant observation techniques to let us experience the link between the observant mind and flow theory. Cornelia Hersland is a selfemployed social anthropologist, artist and DJ working to develop innovative qualitative methodologies that bridge art and anthropology through creative projects. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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- 16:57How Can Contribute to a Sustainable Fuel Economy | Ranju Gopal Barman | TEDxIMIKolkata"Born and raised in the coastal region of West Bengal, India, Ranju is a proud alumnus of Jadavpur University, Kolkata, and NIT Karnataka, Surathkal. With over a decade of experience leading diverse teams and executing large-scale environmental projects, he founded an engineering consultancy focused on designing solutions and providing expert advice for environmental challenges. Ranju has been instrumental in developing large-scale industrial water treatment plants and implementing integrated solid waste management projects for the World Bank. His innovative work has earned him notable accolades, including the IIT Madras Engineering Design Award in 2008 and the Bangkok International Business Challenge in 2021, Asia’s longest-running global student start-up competition, for his decentralised green waste management concept. He delved into the topic "" How Can Contribute to a Sustainable Fuel Economy to Combat Climate Change?"". His topic was interesting and insightful as well." Born and raised in the coastal region of West Bengal, India, Ranju is a proud alumnus of Jadavpur University, Kolkata, and NIT Karnataka, Surathkal. With over a decade of experience leading diverse teams and executing large-scale environmental projects, he founded an engineering consultancy focused on designing solutions and providing expert advice for environmental challenges.Ranju has been instrumental in developing large-scale industrial water treatment plants and implementing integrated solid waste management projects for the World Bank. His innovative work has earned him notable accolades, including the IIT Madras Engineering Design Award in 2008 and the Bangkok International Business Challenge in 2021, Asia’s longest-running global student start-up competition, for his decentralized green waste management concept. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 15:29Genere e grammatica: una lingua tante sfumature | Giuliana Giusti | TEDxSanremoLa lingua è il più efficace mezzo usato dalla specie umana per descrivere la (percezione della) realtà, comunicare idee e convinzioni, manifestare sentimenti e, di conseguenza, per tramandare principi e tradizioni culturali condivise dal gruppo sociale che usa quella lingua. Allo stesso tempo la lingua è un mezzo potente di riconoscimento del sé e dell’altra persona come appartenente o non appartenente a una determinata comunità di parlanti. I ruoli di genere e gli stereotipi culturali associati al genere sociale sono allo stesso tempo oggetto di identificazione della persona e posizionamento di questa nelle gerarchie condivise, spesso non esplicite a chi parla e a chi interloquisce, con diverse possibili sfumature di status sociale e relazione solidale. In italiano, il genere è parte del sistema morfologico e sintattico per tutti i nomi, con un chiaro riscontro interpretativo per la maggior parte dei nomi che designano esseri animati, in particolare per esseri umani. Non sorprende quindi che il genere sia collegato al prestigio sociale e alla sfera affettiva nella rappresentazione linguistica. In questo contributo partirò da una panoramica delle strutture morfologiche e sintattiche coinvolte nella categoria di genere, per creare metacompetenza (cioè competenza esplicita della competenza implicita determinata dal naturale processo di acquisizione della lingua) sui fenomeni di accordo sintattico, riferimento anaforico, designazione generica e specifica dei nomi di ruolo. Saranno quindi vagliate le diverse sfumature interpretative del maschile, del femminile, e delle nuove proposte per il superamento della dicotomia di genere rispetto alla dimensione di innovazione e conservazione della lingua italiana.Giuliana Giusti è ordinaria di Linguistica all’Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia e professoressa onoraria della Facoltà di Lingue dell’Università di Bucarest. È direttrice degli Annali di Ca’ Foscari – Serie Occidentale – Sezione Linguistica; della collana LiVVaL – Linguaggio e Variazione / Variation in Language, di Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, e del Centro Studi sul Multilinguismo CSML. Collabora al progetto VariOpInta – Variation and Optionality in Italo-Romance. Si interessa di linguistica teorica e applicata. Ha collaborato a opere di riferimento quali la Grande Grammatica Italiana di Consultazione (2022, terza edizione), la Grammatica dell’Italiano Antico(2010), Oxford Guide to the Romance Languages (2016) e Cambridge Handbook to Romance Linguistics (2022). È autrice di oltre 100 saggi e di 5 monografie. Si occupa della relazione tra linguaggio, lingua italiana e genere grammaticale e semantico e sociale da oltre un trentennio. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 19:15Climate Change: How to Involve the Community | Debashis Sen | TEDxIMIKolkata"Mr. Debashis Sen joined the IAS in 1985. He was Chairman of New Town DA for a decade and was instrumental in developing New Town Kolkata from scratch into a Platinum-rated Green Smart City. An alumnus of ENA, France, he did his post-MSc associateship from Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics. He has been an Additional Chief Secretary in the Urban Development and Information Technology Department for several years and the chief electoral officer for five years. He is the Founder & CEO of NBC Ltd, which does policy advocacy on using AI for a sustainable development. He delvedinto the topic ""Climate Change: How to Involve the Community"", his talk was as insightful as engaging." Debashis Sen joined the IAS in 1985. He was Chairman of New Town DA for a decade and was instrumental in developing New Town Kolkata from scratch into a Platinum-rated Green Smart City.An alumnus of ENA, France, he did his post-MSc associateship from Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics. He has been an Additional Chief Secretary in the Urban Development and Information Technology Department for several years and the chief electoral officer for five years.He is the Founder & CEO of NBC Ltd, which does policy advocacy on using AI for a sustainable development.He is a pioneer in AI Art on Canvas and has done several exhibitions. He has also opened an AI Art gallery, probably the only one of its kind in the country. Debashis’s commitment to community service is further demonstrated by his role as the President of the Resident Welfare Committee in his locality. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 13:46Brainrot: Substance over Sensationalism | Kayle Ho | TEDxWest Island School YouthIn today’s world, money is not the most valuable currency. It’s your attention. Learning to take this back is crucial in finding our footing in today’s ever-changing world. Kayle Ho offers her insight on how we can regain our attention. West Island School student This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 11:17Collegare i puntini | Arianna Craviotto | TEDxSanremoIn questo discorso ispirato dalla citazione di Steve Jobs, l'autrice ripercorre il suo viaggio personale e professionale. Ne racconta le sfide e le opportunità colte e dimostra come i puntini della vita si colleghino in modo imprevedibile. Il messaggio centrale è un invito a seguire il proprio cuore, perseverare di fronte alle difficoltà e coltivare i propri sogni con passione e resilienza.Arianna Craviotto è una doppiatrice e favolista. Conosciuta sui social soprattutto grazie ai suoi contenuti legati al mondo Disney e di Harry Potter, Arianna ha prestato la sua voce a personaggi di film, serie tv, videogiochi e spot pubblicitari. Oltre alla sua attività di doppiatrice, Arianna ha una grande passione per il disegno, il canto e la lettura. Scrittrice e favolista, a Ottobre del 2023 ha esordito con il suo primo libro per ragazzi: Il segreto della bussola magica, edito da Garzanti. Un romanzo fantasy ambientato in Italia con illustrazioni bellissime realizzate da Arianna stessa. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 17:49Advancing health and sustainability | Sujit Paul | TEDxIMIKolkataDr. Sujit Paul, a renowned coach, mentor, and author for many in India and across the globe, is the Group CEO of Zota Healthcare Ltd. He spearheads both domestic and international business operations with over 25 years of exemplary leadership across diverse industries. A seasoned industry veteran, he has a proven track record of establishing, scaling, and managing operations for globally recognised brands, including Reliance Pharma Retail, Asian Paints, Bata, Kodak, Apollo Pharmacy, Trust Pharmacy, Columbia Asia Hospital, CAH Clinics, and more. His expertise spans healthcare, retail, and beyond, and he has also served as a consultant and advisor to prestigious international beauty and retail brands. A true motivational and sought-after leader, his recent TEDx talk in India marked a milestone for professionals worldwide. Renowned as a thought leader, coach, and mentor, Dr. Sujit Paul’s enduring contributions not only drive the industries he leads but also inspire a new generation of leaders to pursue excellence with vision and purpose. He delivered his talk on Advancing Health and Sustainability: Pathways to a Better Tomorrow. Dr. Sujit Paul, a renowned coach, mentor, and author for many in India and across the globe, is the Group CEO of Zota Healthcare Ltd. He spearheads both domestic and international business operations with over 25 years of exemplary leadership across diverse industries. A seasoned industry veteran, he has a proven track record of establishing, scaling, and managing operations for globally recognized brands, including Reliance Pharma Retail, Asian Paints, Bata, Kodak, Apollo Pharmacy, Trust Pharmacy, Columbia Asia Hospital, CAH Clinics, and more. His expertise spans healthcare, retail, and beyond, and he has also served as a consultant and advisor to prestigious international beauty and retail brands. A true motivational and sought-after leader, his recent TEDx talk in India marked a milestone for professionals worldwide. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at