Les rêves : algorithme ou bastion de notre liberté ? | Géraldine Rauchs | TEDxCaen
Les rêves sont un phénomène mystérieux qui suscite l’intérêt des scientifiques depuis la nuit des temps. Comment se forment-ils ? A quoi servent-ils ? Au cours des dernières années, les travaux de neurosciences ont permis de faire progresser nos connaissances sur les rêves, précisant comment ils se construisent à partir des événements que nous avons vécus. On commence également à mieux comprendre leurs fonctions, montrant leur rôle dans différents domaines. Pour autant quelle est notre part de liberté dans ce phénomène universel et si complexe ? Géraldine Rauchs est neuroscientifique, directrice de recherche à l’Inserm. Sa passion ? Comprendre les fonctions du sommeil…. Plus précisément, ses recherches visent à comprendre l’impact d’un sommeil de mauvaise qualité sur la santé cérébrale et sur le risque de développer certaines maladies comme la maladie d’Alzheimer. Géraldine Rauchs enseigne également à l’université de Caen Normandie, elle a été membre du conseil scientifique de la Société Française de Recherche et de Médecine du Sommeil. Elle est aujourd’hui membre du conseil scientifique de la Fondation Vaincre Alzheimer. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
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- 15:55Aurea mediocritas | Ana-Maria Brezniceanu | TEDxPiataUniriiEDAna-Maria Brezniceanu ne provoacă să reflectăm asupra rolului profesorului dincolo de simplul act al predării. Vorbește despre importanța dezvoltării personale și a autocunoașterii în formarea cadrelor didactice, subliniind că educația autentică nu înseamnă doar transmiterea de cunoștințe, ci și creșterea unor oameni echilibrați și conștienți. Discursul său evidențiază impactul pe care profesorii îl au asupra elevilor și responsabilitatea de a modela nu doar competențe academice, ci și caracterul viitorilor adulți. EN: Ana-Maria Brezniceanu challenges us to reflect on the role of the teacher beyond the simple act of teaching. She talks about the importance of personal development and self-knowledge in teacher training, stressing that authentic education is not only about passing on knowledge, but also about raising balanced and conscious people. Her speech highlights the impact teachers have on students and the responsibility to shape not only academic skills but also the character of future adults. Ana-Maria Brezniceanu are o experiență de 29 de ani în educație, predând în România și Canada, de la grădiniță până la nivel universitar. Fondatoare a primei grădinițe și școli Montessori autorizate din București, ea este o promotoare a inovației pedagogice și a formării profesorilor ca lideri inspiraționali. Doctorand în științele educației, militează pentru integrarea dezvoltării personale în pregătirea dascălilor, convinsă că un profesor conștient de sine creează un mediu de învățare autentic și transformator pentru elevi.EN: Ana-Maria Brezniceanu has 29 years of experience in education, teaching in Romania and Canada, from kindergarten to university level. Founder of the first authorized Montessori kindergarten and school in Bucharest, she is a promoter of pedagogical innovation and teacher training as inspirational leaders. PhD student in educational sciences, she campaigns for the integration of personal development in teacher training, convinced that a self-aware teacher creates an authentic and transformative learning environment for students. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 13:46100 de limbaje. Și mai mult! | Maria Ștefania Manea | TEDxPiataUniriiEDÎn discursul său, Maria Ștefania Manea subliniază importanța de a sprijini și stimula curiozitatea naturală a copiilor printr-o educație care să promoveze diversitatea celor "100 de limbaje" ale acestora, evitând impunerea unui sistem rigid care le ofilește dorința de a învăța. Ea subliniază necesitatea unor profesori care să ghideze copiii în perioada dintre grădiniță și liceu, ajutându-i să exploreze și să se exprime liber, fără a le lua din autenticitatea învățării prin constrângere. EN: In her speech, Maria Ștefania Manea emphasizes the importance of supporting and stimulating the natural curiosity of children through an education that promotes the diversity of their "100 languages, avoiding the imposition of a rigid system that withers their desire to learn. She stresses the need for teachers to guide children between kindergarten and high school, helping them to explore and express themselves freely, without taking them from the authenticity of learning by coercion. Maria Ștefania Manea este profesor titular de limba și literatura română la Colegiul Național "Mihai Viteazul" din București și fondatorul Grădiniței Equilibrum, primul centru de reciclare creativă dedicat educației timpurii din România, inspirat de abordarea educațională Reggio Emilia. Experiența sa profesională se concentrează pe domeniul educației și managementului școlar, iar în perioada februarie 2021 - aprilie 2022, a ocupat funcția de Secretar de Stat în Ministerul Educației. De asemenea, a fost inspector școlar general adjunct, precum și inspector școlar pentru comunicare instituțională și pentru proiecte europene în cadrul Inspectoratului Școlar București. Maria Ștefania Manea este un profesionist cu o vastă experiență în sistemul educațional și un avocat al inovației și educației creative.EN: Maria Ștefania Manea is a full professor of Romanian language and literature at the "Mihai Viteazul" National College in Bucharest and the founder of Equilibrum Kindergarten, the first creative recycling center dedicated to early education in Romania, inspired by the educational approach Reggio Emilia. Her professional experience focuses on education and school management, and between February 2021 and April 2022, she served as Secretary of State in the Ministry of Education. She was also deputy general school inspector, as well as school inspector for institutional communication and for European projects within the Bucharest School Inspectorate. Maria Ștefania Manea is a professional with extensive experience in the educational system and an advocate of innovation and creative education. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 6:48The Beauty of Black Dots | Srimonti Guha | TEDxGEMS Millennium School SharjahLife's black dots—struggles, failures, and setbacks—add depth to our journey, shaping resilience and meaning. Embrace them, for they make your masterpiece truly beautiful. Ms. Srimonti is a dedicated psychology teacher at GEMS Millennium School, Sharjah, and a professional psychologist with over a decade of teaching experience. Passionate about mental health, she was invited by various platforms and organizations during COVID to speak on mental health and well-being. Beyond academics, she loves traveling, photography, and discovering new food joints. A sports enthusiast, she has competed at the national level in table tennis and was a state-level swimmer. A certified Level 1 hypnotherapist, she also has a unique past as a chef at McDonald's in the UK. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 11:48Vocile educației și cum să generezi o schimbare în educație | Oana Moșoiu | TEDxPiataUniriiEDDiscursul Oanei Moșoiu este o pledoarie pentru educația ca experiență vie, dinamică și relevantă pentru toți – copii, tineri și adulți. Ea aduce în prim-plan importanța colaborării dintre toți actorii implicați în educație și ne provoacă să vedem învățarea ca pe un proces continuu, nu doar ca pe o etapă a vieții. Cu peste 20 de ani de experiență în domeniu, Oana vorbește despre vocile educației și despre felul în care acestea pot transforma sistemul, de la inițiative individuale la eforturi colective cu impact real. EN: Oana Mosoiu's speech is a plea for education as a living, dynamic and relevant experience for all – children, young people and adults. She puts the spotlight on the importance of collaboration among all actors involved in education and challenges us to see learning as an ongoing process, not just a stage of life. With over 20 years of experience in the field, Oana talks about the voices in education and how they can transform the system, from individual initiatives to collective efforts with real impact. Oana Moșoiu este lector universitar și doctor în Științele Educației, dedicată formării viitoarelor generații de pedagogi la Universitatea din București. Cu o carieră care îmbină educația formală și nonformală, ea este consultant pentru organizații nonguvernamentale și a contribuit la politici educaționale esențiale, precum Cadrul de referință al curriculumului național. Prin activitatea sa ca formator și trainer, sprijină dezvoltarea profesorilor și susține inovația în educație, fiind un catalizator al schimbării în domeniu.EN: Oana Mosoiu is a lecturer and doctor of Education Sciences, dedicated to training future generations of pedagogues at the University of Bucharest. With a career that blends formal and non-formal education, she is a consultant for non-governmental organizations and has contributed to essential educational policies such as the Reference Framework of the national curriculum. Through her work as a trainer, she supports the development of teachers and supports innovation in education, being a catalyst for change in the field. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 16:38İnsanı Kompleks Sistemlerden Ayıran Şey: Kusurların Gücü | Gökçe Gülcüler | TEDxDuzce UniversityWhat Distinguishes Humans From Systems: The Power of Imperfection.Gökçe Gülcüler completed her undergraduate and graduate degrees in aeronautical engineering from Istanbul Technical University (ITU), followed by MBA studies at Koç University and North Carolina. She has worked at a variety of institutions in Turkey and overseas, gaining experience in aviation, cybersecurity, risk management, and social entrepreneurship. She formerly worked as a systems engineer in aircraft and missile engine design and was a founder member of the social company "Ustamdan."She has been honoured as an entrepreneurial fellow by institutions such as the International Youth Foundation, Global Entrepreneurship Summit, Laureate International Network, Endeavour, ITU Çekirdek, TÜBİTAK, and the Turkey Entrepreneurship Foundation. She also actively participates to civil society activities. She joined the FBN-I NextGen Leadership Team in 2019 and is now in charge of the FBN-I podcast project. In addition, she co-founded the TAİDER Entrepreneurship Committee and the Sports Community.Gökçe Gülcüler develops media projects in collaboration with numerous institutions and individuals, serving as a content creator, professional speaker, and moderator. She also contributes to Harvard Business Review Türkiye and her own social media platforms, as well as being an invited media member at global conferences such as Web Summit, Slush, Vienna-Up, and ICPA. She undertakes her research and media projects through US Works, a company she cofounded. Gökçe Gülcüler is an aircraft engineer, entrepreneur and content creator. He completed his MBA at Koç University. He works in the fields of cyber security, technology and entrepreneurship. He is one of the founders of "Ustamdan" and "CyberAlert.Me" initiatives. He is the moderator of Harvard Business Review Turkey's "Cyberosphere" program. He also works in the field of literature. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 14:38Mining Africa’s Grey Gold | Chidi Afulezi | TEDxALURwandaIn this thought-provoking TEDx talk, Chidi Afulezi challenges the prevailing narrative of Africa as a predominantly young continent. While the youth population is celebrated—and rightly so—Chidi urges us to adopt a better paradigm: multigenerational collaboration. He introduces the concept of Africa's "Grey Gold," the wisdom and experience of the older generation, as a critical yet underutilized resource.Chidi argues that combining the energy and innovation of youth with the tested knowledge of elders is the key to solving Africa's most pressing challenges. This talk is a call to action to bridge generational divides, harness the power of demographic diversity, and create a future where both young and old work together to build a stronger Africa. Chidi Afulezi is a seasoned product management coach, digital strategist, and venture builder. He founded redKola Digital Labs focusing on digital transformation, and The Massive Company for innovative products in African markets. Chidi co-founded aKoma Media and Rouse Media. He is Head Faculty at ALU School of Business, teaches at UC Berkeley and General Assembly, and has a background in product management at top companies. His work aims to shape Africa's digital and creative economies. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx