Da grandi desideri derivano grendi responsabilità. | Andrea Saletti | TEDxLUCCA
Have you ever wondered why you so intensely desire that particular product? Or why that vacation irresistibly attracts you? Andrea Saletti, an expert in neuroscience applied to digital marketing, unveils a secret that the marketing world tries to keep hidden.With over 20 years of experience in the industry, Saletti takes us on a fascinating journey to discover the origins of our desires, revealing how our choices are deeply intertwined with social dynamics we often fail to recognize. This enlightening reflection leads us to reconsider not only what we desire but, more importantly, why we desire it—offering a new perspective on the responsibility we have toward ourselves and others.A talk that will forever change the way you look at your desires and everyday choices È un pioniere nel neuromarketing e nelle scienze cognitive applicate al web. Laureato in tecnologie della comunicazione, inizia nel 2000 come web designer freelance, approdando nel 2007 alla guida del settore Neuromarketing & Marketing di Pronesis srl. Da allora, sviluppa strategie di UX e marketing per progetti internazionali e-commerce di
successo. Docente e relatore appassionato, nel 2016 ha pubblicato il libro “Neuromarketing e scienze cognitive per vendere di più sul web”.
Andrea unisce scienza e pratica con l’obiettivo di trasformare la percezione dell’utente in conversione. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
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