Piloting Towards Purpose and Leadership | Chezka Gonzales | TEDxUPV Women
After nearly two years away from social media to focus on personal and professional growth, Chezka Gonzales found renewed passion in sharing her story through this invitation. This marks her comeback.When the opportunity arose to inspire others and reflect on her journey, she knew she had to return to the Philippines to make it happen. For her, this moment is more than just a milestone—it is a celebration of resilience, dreams, and leadership. She believes it would be selfish not to share how she transformed her challenges into purpose. Chezka Gonzales is an accomplished professional with a diverse career that spans commercial aviation, entrepreneurship, and blockchain technology. She is an Airbus A320 pilot and serves as a sergeant in the Philippine Air Force Reserve. Alongside her aviation expertise, Chezka has made significant strides in the blockchain and tech industries. She is the Founding Vice President of the Blockchain Council of the Philippines and the Founder of Philippine Blockchain Week, a leading event in the country’s emerging blockchain ecosystem.Chezka’s entrepreneurial ventures include her role as a founding partner of Michael Cinco Auto Artistry in Dubai, showcasing her keen business acumen. She also holds the position of Director at Philippine Blockchain Technologies Inc. and is a country partner for ReSkills in the Philippines. Her leadership extends to founding the organization Women of Substance, dedicated to empowering women across industries. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
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