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How can we bridge the Leadership Gap? | MAYANK NAIDU | TEDxKharadi

Idea : 'Bridging the Gap' The idea is about creating new leaders and enhancing leadership skills of individuals in all streams of academia and across industries. The Idea is worth sharing for as it can transform lives of people by empowering them with knowledge, skills and analysis of the existing gap in their respective domain and solutions on how to bridge the gap to achieve professional and personal life goals as Leaders . Today, World needs Leaders in all spheres be it in Academia, Industries , Government run organizations and more... The idea will have a global impact and can create thousands of success stories and make this world more beautiful. Smedley Distinguished District Director, TI, with 20 years of experience as a Leadership Coach, Business Storyteller, Strategist, and IT Technocrat. Featured in *The Times of India*. Honored at the Hall of Fame Awards for exceptional leadership, leading 100+ clubs and 5200+ individuals in Toastmasters International across diverse professional and academic backgrounds. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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