How failure shapes who we are | Robiya Nazir Akhmad | TEDxBMU Tashkent
Failure is often seen as something to avoid, yet it holds the power to transform us in ways success never could. This talk explores the unexpected beauty of failure and how it shapes our character, resilience, and growth. Through personal stories and broader reflections, she reveals how embracing our failures allows us to build a stronger, wiser, and more authentic version of ourselves. Her talk is a powerful reminder that failure is not the end—it’s the beginning of something greater. A freshman at British Management University, Robiya Nazir Akhmad moves with purpose—both in water and in life. As a Master of Sport in synchronized swimming, she knows the discipline it takes to succeed. But beyond the pool, she’s an advocate for environmental sustainability, playing a key role at NGO "Suvchi" in organizing impactful seminars on water conservation. Her dedication extends to organizing cultural events and volunteering at the Uzbekistan-Japan Center for Human Development. Passionate about activism and community-building, Robiya is a force for meaningful change. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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