Stories That Unite | Vasilis Papavasiliou | TEDxEleftheriaSquare
What if the stories we tell could bridge divides and foster unity? Vasilis Papavasiliou reflects on the rich tapestry of narratives that shape our identities, particularly in the divided landscape of Cyprus. Drawing from personal experiences and cultural insights, he explores how storytelling can transform perspectives and build connections amidst conflict. Join Vasilis as he invites us to rethink our narratives and discover the potential for peace and understanding through shared stories.
0:10 - Introduction
1:13 - Limbic system that helps us to analyse the culture
2:26 - Tourism in Cyprus on the point of view of perspectives
3:39 - Social aspects of tour guide
4:06 - Cultural differences between Cyprus and Turkey
6:23 - Traditional coffee for fortune telling
7:21 - Cyprus journey gaining the trust
9:10 - Nicosia is the last divided city in Europe
10:00 - Conclusion
A Cyprus cultural promoter and Tourism and hospitality professor, Vasilis Papavasiliou has deep roots in Cyprus’s tourism industry, having grown up in a family embedded in the sector. He holds a PhD in Hotel and Tourism Management from Hong Kong Polytechnic University (UNWTO TedQual-certified), with research focusing on “Collective Memory and Narrated Destination Image: Interpreting the Tour Guides’ Narratives in Guided Tours.”
Currently serving as Head of Hospitality and Tourism at CTL Eurocollege, he actively promotes Cyprus through various media including video podcasts, travel videos, and comedic content. His academic work explores how storytelling influences tourists’ perceptions of destinations. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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