How I design for movies | Patrick Tatopoulos | TEDxAthens
Unleashing our inner most creative ideas is an emotional process, not a controlled one, and certainly not a technical one. Designing for film teaches us that an essential aspect of the job is to know how to listen and feel first. Only then should we start thinking, resolving and creating. Patrick Tatopoulos designs and creations have influenced the quality and direction of contemporary films for over 25 years. His creative achievements in Production Design, Costume Design, Creature, Character, Vehicle design as well as Directing have left a lasting impression in the Motion Picture Industry, with a unique style that is rich, complex and diverse. His growing body of work has a distinct signature that attest to his boundless imagination.Patrick signature style and designs is recognizable in such successful feature films as INDEPENDENCE DAY, TOTAL RECALL, IROBOT, I AM LEGEND, UNDERWORLD, SILENT HILL, RESIDENT EVIL, PITCH BLACK, DARK CITY, GODZILLA, STARGATE.His other credits include VAN HELSING, ALIEN VS PREDATOR, BRAM STOKER DRACULA, STUART LITTLE, ADAMS FAMILY, THE DOORS, STAR TREK and many more.In 2023 Patrick took on the Production Design as well as the Dragon Design for the NETFLIX film, DAMSEL. The movie made it to the Netflix Top Ten of all time.Between 2017 and 2018 Patrick Tatopoulos designed Disney’s MALEFICENT Mistress of Evil.In 2017 Patrick Tatopoulos had the honor to see his work exhibited at the iconic London Museum, THE BARBICAN.In 2016 Zack Snyder asked Tatopoulos to come back as the Production Designer for THE JUSTICE LEAGUE.In 2015 Tatopoulos took on the Production Design for Zack Snyder’s BATMAN vs SUPERMAN. For this film Tatopoulos also designed the cult BATMOBILE and BATCAVE.In 2014 Tatopoulos created the Production Design for the for the Highly stylish Warner Bros film, 300 RISE OF AN EMPIRE.Between 2011 and 2014, and in between his film work, Tatopoulos was a judge on the SY-FY channel for their very popular Reality Show FACE OFF.In 2009 Tatopoulos directed UNDERWORLD RISE OF THE LYCANS, from the highly successful Sony Pictures’s franchise. The movie grossed close to a 100 millions world wide.Tatopoulos has designed several acclaimed music videos for LINKIN PARK, COLDPLAY as well as directing two Music Videos for the renowned artist COOLIO.Tatopoulos was born in Paris, France, where he lived until the age of 17. He began his studies at the Art Decoratif De Paris Pursuing a career in the fine arts, he moved to Italy and Greece . Aside from his love of Arts, Patrick’s long term passion for motorcycles got him to race in Europe and America for many years. Eventually his interest in motion pictures drew him to the United States, where he began his film career in 1989. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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