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The power of silence (with ASL) | Orell Mielke | TEDxFrankfurt

The Default Mode Network (DMN) is a group of brain areas that activate when we're not focusing on anything specific, like during daydreaming or mind-wandering. Discovered by accident in 2001, the DMN shows that our brains are busy even at rest, helping us think about ourselves, imagine the future, remember the past, and generate new ideas. This network underscores the importance of rest for creativity, self-understanding, and mental sharpness. Embracing moments of silence can boost our well-being, creativity, and resilience, enhancing both personal and professional life. Promoting mental health policies that value "silence" can improve well-being in our communities and workplaces. Sign Language Interpreter: Lizza Zeviar Orell has always been passionate about one thing: finding out what is good in our life and making that even better. He is well aware about all the weaknesses we might have and does not advocate to deny them. However, improving what we are good at is so much more benefiting. This is certainly one reason Neurologists working in a pharmaceutical company are involved in activities to promote our well-being so that we avoid illnesses and mental disorders. His mission is to build a community on mental health, where knowledge is shared about how we can use our brain in an optimal way to excel at work and in our private lives. Living in Karlsruhe, Germany, he sees himself as a “world citizen”, where he feels at home wherever there are people that share his values. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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