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Why we must listen to the voices of children | Lars Westra | TEDxHaarlem Youth

Nowadays we see children as people who should go to school and play outside. We do not take their opinions seriously enough. However, we should. We should listen to the opinions of children. They are not only the future, but also the present. The decisions adults are making are affecting children’s lives today AND tomorrow. Moreover, the unique vision children have can be of great value to today’s and tomorrow’s challenges. Lars Westra, a 17-year-old children’s rights activist, explains why we must listen to the voices of children. Lars Westra is 17 years old and has been a children’s rights activist since the age of nine. He advocates for the right to a voice, a future and a chance for every child. He not only tries to motivate adults to ensure children’s rights but also encourages children to stand up for their opinions by giving speeches, writing books, making podcasts, and leading projects. For his efforts he won the Dutch National Children’s Prize for peace, freedom and democracy. Additionally, he is the vice-chair of the Dutch NGO coalition on children’s rights. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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