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Harnessing Positivity | Preston Curtis | TEDxBrentwoodCollegeSchool

Preston Curtis's talk shows just how important it is to be happy and optimistic in your everyday life. Life is hard and can sometimes get you in a rut, so giving yourself the ability to be happy throughout every situation is necessary. He has many experiences that have nearly sent him to an early death, so he will be sharing just how valuable life truly is and that you should enjoy every minute. From Denver, Colorado, Preston Curtis enjoys studying psychology and is a varsity rower. A first year student who has done everything they can to become as engaged as possible. He loves to spend as much time as he can hanging out with friends while also trying to experience everything possible. Whether it be competitive tennis or water polo, life is too short not to try it all. He firmly believes that hard work and a smile on your face are key to achieving our goals, both in rowing and in life. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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