My Journey | Heba Ezz | TEDxOrubaSchool
How to shift your career successfully Dr.Heba Ezz is an MBA holder with a Marketing Major, Bacholar degree in Pharmacy. She is also an adjunct faculty member, at the Graduate School of Education (GSE), specialized in “Educational leadership" at AUC. She was certified as a leadership coach from Carolina Chapel University for applying Positive Psychology at the Professional Development Programs (PED). For more than 20 years in the educational field, Ms. Ezz has a wide range of experiences in education, assuming various instructional as well as administrative roles and responsibilities. She has earned several professional graduate diplomas and certificates related to education. She is also a frequent speaker and participant in international educational conferences and professional development programs. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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