My Journey | Heba Ezz | TEDxOrubaSchool
How to shift your career successfully Dr.Heba Ezz is an MBA holder with a Marketing Major, Bacholar degree in Pharmacy. She is also an adjunct faculty member, at the Graduate School of Education (GSE), specialized in “Educational leadership" at AUC. She was certified as a leadership coach from Carolina Chapel University for applying Positive Psychology at the Professional Development Programs (PED). For more than 20 years in the educational field, Ms. Ezz has a wide range of experiences in education, assuming various instructional as well as administrative roles and responsibilities. She has earned several professional graduate diplomas and certificates related to education. She is also a frequent speaker and participant in international educational conferences and professional development programs. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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- 14:24The Power of Information Sharing in Shaping Perceptions | Minnu Paul | TEDxMethodist UniversityThe presentation titled "Unveiling Bias: The Power of Information Sharing in Shaping Perceptions" by Minnu Paul examines how the dissemination of information influences individual and collective biases. It delves into the mechanisms through which shared information can mold perceptions, potentially reinforcing or challenging existing biases. The presentation emphasizes the significance of recognizing these dynamics to promote more informed and equitable viewpoints. She charted her individual journey in change management and organizational development, pursuing educational and career advancements across India, the USA, and the UK. Her academic journey led her to obtain a Bachelor's degree in Economics and a Master's degree in Business Administration with a focus on Organizational Development and Leadership in the United States. Currently, she is working towards her Doctorate in Business Administration, accumulating around 11 years of international education experience along the way. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 17:28Choosing Empathy | Hershey Bell | TEDxMethodist UniversityThis TEDx talk by Dr. Hershey S. Bell explores the power of empathy in human connection. It challenges the audience to "walk in another person’s shoes," discusses different levels of listening, and presents a simple theory of emotional development. With references to Michelangelo and David Zelman, it emphasizes how changing conversations can transform lives.Dr. Hershey Bell is the Dean of Methodist University Cape Fear Valley Health School of Medicine, opening in 2026. With an MD from the University of Toronto and training at Duke University, he's held key roles including Program Director at Hunterdon Medical Center, Vice Chair at Duke's Department of Community and Family Medicine, Chief Medical Officer at Hamot Medical Center, and Dean of LECOM School of Pharmacy. As Vice President and Chief Academic Officer at Cape Fear Valley Health System, Dr. Bell has over 30 scientific articles and has been a leader in competency-based medical education, with over 100 presentations. Honored by various medical associations and a fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians, he recently celebrated his 40th wedding anniversary with Marianne and their three children. Dr. Bell also enjoys music composition, with works available on major streaming platforms. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 16:01"Radici forti per seminare buonsenso" | Bonetta Dell'Oglio | TEDxUniPa"Da seme nasce cosa" sottolinea l'importanza di seminare buoni valori e pratiche per costruire una società più consapevole e sostenibile. La speaker riflette sul valore delle radici culturali e agricole, usando la Sicilia come esempio di resilienza. Invita a educare le nuove generazioni alla conoscenza, responsabilità e inclusività, e a un ritorno a pratiche sostenibili come l'agricoltura locale e la cucina tradizionale. Ogni piccola azione, come la scelta dei semi, può essere un atto di resistenza per un futuro migliore, rispettando le radici culturali e naturali della nostra terra."From seed comes growth" emphasizes the importance of sowing good values and practices to build a more aware and sustainable society. The speaker reflects on the value of cultural and agricultural roots, using Sicily as an example of resilience. She calls for educating future generations in knowledge, responsibility, and inclusivity, and a return to sustainable practices like local farming and traditional cooking. Every small action, such as choosing seeds, can be an act of resistance for a better future, respecting the cultural and natural roots of our land. Bonetta dell'Oglio è una chef siciliana di Palermo, conosciuta per il suo impegno nella cucina tradizionale siciliana e nella promozione di pratiche alimentari locali e sostenibili. Ha fondato il movimento culturale "La Rivoluzione in un Chicco" per sensibilizzare sull'agricoltura biologica e la conservazione delle antiche varietà di grano siciliane. Membro dell'Alleanza Slow Food dei Cuochi, Bonetta utilizza prodotti biodinamici nella sua cucina. Ha scritto un libro sulla cucina siciliana e partecipato a eventi culinari per promuovere l'eredità gastronomica dell'isola.Bonetta dell'Oglio is a Sicilian chef from Palermo, known for her dedication to traditional Sicilian cuisine and promoting local, sustainable food practices. She founded the cultural movement "La Rivoluzione in un Chicco" to raise awareness about organic farming and preserving ancient Sicilian grain varieties. A member of the Slow Food Alliance of Chefs, Bonetta uses biodynamic products in her cooking. She has authored a book on Sicilian cuisine and participated in culinary events to promote the island’s rich gastronomic heritage. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 13:54"Giardinaggio e cattedrali" | Salvatore Di Dio | TEDxUniPaNel suo intervento al TEDx, Salvatore di Dio riflette sull'urgenza di un cambiamento sistemico per combattere il cambiamento climatico e il degrado ambientale. Sebbene gli sforzi per ridurre le emissioni di CO2 non abbiano dato i risultati sperati, il lockdown durante la pandemia ha dimostrato quanto rapidamente possano cambiare i comportamenti umani. Sostiene che sia necessario ripensare le strutture stesse della nostra economia, concentrandosi sulla sostenibilità e sull'equità sociale, e abbracciare un pensiero a lungo termine per costruire un futuro migliore per le generazioni future. Attraverso progetti innovativi come la mobilità sostenibile, Di Dio sottolinea il potere dell'educazione e dell'azione collettiva per creare un mondo più sostenibile.In his TEDx talk, Salvatore di Dio reflects on the urgent need for systemic change to tackle climate change and environmental degradation. Despite efforts to reduce CO2 emissions, the pandemic lockdown showed how quickly human behavior can change. He argues that we must rethink the very structures of our economy, focusing on sustainability and social equity, and embrace long-term thinking to build a better future for the generations to come. Through innovative projects like sustainable mobility, Di Dio highlights the power of education and collective action to create a more sustainable world. Salvatore di Dio è Professore Associato di Design all'Università di Palermo e co-fondatore di numerosi progetti innovativi. È impegnato in ricerche sulla progettazione sostenibile e la mobilità, con iniziative come PUSH, un laboratorio che promuove soluzioni per migliorare la qualità della vita urbana. Con una carriera che unisce accademia, imprenditoria e impegno sociale, Salvatore Di Dio lavora per un futuro più sostenibile e tecnologicamente avanzato, trasformando idee in azioni concrete che hanno un impatto positivo sulle comunità.Salvatore di Dio is an Associate Professor of Design at the University of Palermo and a co-founder of several innovative projects. He is involved in research on sustainable design and mobility, with initiatives such as PUSH, a lab focused on developing solutions to improve urban quality of life. With a career that blends academia, entrepreneurship, and social impact, Salvatore Di Dio works towards a more sustainable and technologically advanced future, turning ideas into concrete actions that positively impact communities.Salvatore di Dio è Professore Associato di Design all'Università di Palermo e co-fondatore di numerosi progetti innovativi. È impegnato in ricerche sulla progettazione sostenibile e la mobilità, con iniziative come PUSH, un laboratorio che promuove soluzioni per migliorare la qualità della vita urbana. Con una carriera che unisce accademia, imprenditoria e impegno sociale, Salvatore Di Dio lavora per un futuro più sostenibile e tecnologicamente avanzato, trasformando idee in azioni concrete che hanno un impatto positivo sulle comunità.Salvatore di Dio is an Associate Professor of Design at the University of Palermo and a co-founder of several innovative projects. He is involved in research on sustainable design and mobility, with initiatives such as PUSH, a lab focused on developing solutions to improve urban quality of life. With a career that blends academia, entrepreneurship, and social impact, Salvatore Di Dio works towards a more sustainable and technologically advanced future, turning ideas into concrete actions that positively impact communities. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 17:23"Prendersi cura della dignità" | Maria Rita Lombrano | TEDxUniPaIl talk di Maria Rita Lombrano esplora il concetto di dignità come valore intrinseco e fondamentale per ogni individuo, indipendentemente dalle sue azioni o circostanze. Maria Rita Lombrano sottolinea l'importanza di riconoscere e onorare la dignità umana in ogni fase della vita, specialmente nel contesto medico e nelle situazioni di vulnerabilità. La sua visione della cura va oltre il trattamento fisico, proponendo un approccio olistico che abbraccia la persona nella sua totalità, considerando le dimensioni fisiche, psicologiche, spirituali e relazionali. La Cura della Dignità diventa un percorso che restituisce valore e significato all'esistenza di ciascun individuo, ponendo l'accento sull'umanità e sull'empatia come strumenti di cura autentica.Maria Rita Lombrano's talk explores the concept of dignity as an intrinsic and fundamental value for every individual, regardless of their actions or circumstances. She emphasizes the importance of recognizing and honoring human dignity at every stage of life, particularly in medical contexts and moments of vulnerability. Her vision of care extends beyond physical treatment, advocating for a holistic approach that embraces the individual in their entirety, considering physical, psychological, spiritual, and relational dimensions. Dignity Care becomes a journey that restores value and meaning to each person's existence, focusing on humanity and empathy as the true tools of authentic care. Maria Rita Lombrano è ideatrice e responsabile del Dignity Care – Simultaneous & End of Life Palliative Care Project presso l'INRCA-IRCCS di Ancona. Laureata in Medicina con specializzazioni in Anestesia, Cure Palliative e Tanatologia, ha acquisito esperienze professionali in cinque continenti, operando in ambiti come medicina d'urgenza e cardioanestesia.La sua visione della cura è olistica, unendo gli aspetti fisici, psicologici, spirituali e sociali, con l’obiettivo di restituire un'anima alla medicina, mettendo il paziente al centro del suo percorso, anche nella fase finale della vita. Collabora con il terzo settore e si definisce "Creatrice Eclettica di Percorsi di FormEducazione dell'Essere". Oggi conduce viaggi trasformativi, aiutando le persone a riscoprire le proprie risorse interiori.Maria Rita Lombrano is the founder and head of the Dignity Care – Simultaneous & End of Life Palliative Care Project at INRCA-IRCCS in Ancona. She holds a medical degree with specialties in Anesthesia, Palliative Care, and Thanatology, and has gained professional experience across five continents, working in fields such as emergency medicine and cardioanesthesia.Her approach to care is holistic, integrating physical, psychological, spiritual, and social aspects, aiming to restore soul to medicine and placing the patient at the center of their care journey, even in the final stages of life. She collaborates with the third sector and defines herself as a "Creative Eclectic of FormEducation Pathways for Being." Today, she leads transformative travel experiences, helping individuals rediscover their inner resources. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 16:20¿Cómo hablar más allá de las barreras? | Juan Jose Castillo Alvarez | TEDxLCB YouthDesafía nuestra comprensión de las relaciones intergeneracionales en la era digital. Explora cómo la revolución tecnológica y los cambios sociales han amplificado la brecha entre generaciones, creando un abismo de incomprensión mutua. Esta charla nos invita a re imaginar nuestras conexiones familiares y sociales para gestar un espacio donde la sabiduría de la experiencia y la frescura de las nuevas ideas puedan coexistir en armonía un destacado joven bogotano y recién graduado de bachillerato, ha sobresalido tanto en el ámbito académico, representando a su institución en múltiples olimpiadas, como en el campo social. A sus aproximadamente 17 años, demuestra sólidas habilidades en pensamiento crítico, resolución de problemas y comunicación oral, complementadas con su participación en deportes y campismo. Su pasión por las matemáticas, especialmente las aplicadas, se combina con un profundo interés por el servicio comunitario, lo que lo llevó a fundar "Generación en Acción" a principios de 2024, un programa de acompañamiento a adultos mayores en hogares geriátricos de Bogotá. Su visión sobre la conexión intergeneracional refleja una comprensión madura de los desafíos contemporáneos que enfrentan las familias modernas This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at