The past is a window into the future | Dr. Yaqoob Bangash | TEDxLACAS
Dr. Yaqoob Bangash takes the audience on a journey through history, emphasizing the importance of reconnecting with the past to shape a better future.In this insightful TEDx talk, he explores how historical actions—and inactions—have led to significant consequences, offering valuable lessons for today’s world. Dr. Yaqoob K. Bangash is an experienced academic and researcher with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education industry. He is skilled in Nonprofit Organizations, Lecturing, International Relations, Policy Analysis, and Research.Dr. Bangash has a BA from the University of Notre Dame, a DPhil from Oxford, and a Postdoc from Harvard. He is a Fulbright Fellow of Harvard University, a Chevening Fellow of Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, and the British Academy Visiting Fellow of the Royal Holloway, University of London. He is a Historian of Modern South Asia and the Founder of ThinkFest.He is currently serving as the Dean, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and an Associate Professor for the Department of Governance and Global Studies at the Information Technology University. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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- 16:49The Climate Crisis: From Excuses to Action | Nikos Charalambides | TEDxDUTHIn this talk, Nikos Charalambides, head of the Greenpeace Greek office, analyzes the urgent need for action against the climate crisis. He reveals the excuses and obstacles that delay the implementation of solutions, while presenting specific proposals for changes in the field of energy, agriculture, nutrition and urban development. All in all, he encourages young people to take initiatives, challenge conventional solutions and create a sustainable future for the planet. Nikos Charalambides studied Physics at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and completed postgraduate studies in Meteorology and Oceanography in Paris and Athens. Active in environmental protection since 1985, he joined Greenpeace in 1992, leading the marine ecology campaign. Since 2002, he has served as General Director of Greenpeace Greece. In recent years, he has focused on Sustainable Development and has authored books and articles on environmental protection, civil society, climate change, energy, and sustainability. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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- 14:11Rir para relaxar | Dr. Apingar António Pio Nhamizinga Garcia | TEDxBeiraporque ser tao serios? os humoristas tambem tem seus papeis na sociedade iniciou-se em 1990, num grupo cultural da Escola Secundária Militar, onde actualmente funciona a Universidade Católica de Moçambique (UCM), na cidade da Beira. Cinco anos depois, com jovens do Alto da Manga, cria um grupo de teatro amador, chamado Nhatua ino. Em 1996, ingressa no Grupo de teatro Massinguita, como actor, e, mais tarde, começa a encenar algumas peças no mesmo grupo. No fim do século, concretamente em 1999, participa, na cidade de Maputo, num workshop de dramaturgia e técnicas de encenação realizado pelo Teatro Avenida e Backa Teater da Suécia, sob orientação do encenador e dramaturgo Henning Mankel, Eva Bergman e Manuela Soeiro. No ano seguinte, nos Países Baixos, exibe uma peça teatral e participa numa troca de experiência entre jovens das cidades da Beira, Manágua e Amsterdão. Em 2002, depois de ter participado no festival de Agosto em Maputo, participa no Festival Internacional de Teatro, em Portugal.Dr. Apingar dissocia-se do grupo de teatro Massinguita em 2004, e, depois, funda o Grupo de Teatro Chamuarianga, com o qual trabalha até ao momento. No mesmo ano, participa como actor e director de actores na produção do filme Preto no verde, sobre queimadas descontroladas, em Sofala. Em 2005 escreve e dirige o filme Caminhos da Vida. Em 2007, mais uma participação, no caso, como actor no filme as teias da Aranha, de Sol de Carvalho. O cantor e actor fundou e organizou o Festival de Teatro da Beira, (FESTBEIRA), evento que junta grupos de teatro na comemoração do dia Mundial desta arte de representar. Para além de ser actor e músico, é Dramaturgo, encenador e formador de novos actores, tendo descoberto e ajudado a colocar na montra teatral o Pastor Djito (Falecido), Djei Maurício do Txotxoloza, Chef Gaf, Mbuya Lú e entre outros. Para além de ser artista, é funcionário público, formado em História Política e Gestão Pública pela Universidade Pedagógica da Beira. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at