傳承大使吟詩開啟序幕 - 善良清單 (where is goodwill hidden?) | Chang Hui-Chun 張卉君 | TEDxXinyi
傳承大使吟詩為TEDxXinyi 2024年度大會贈送給世界的獻禮,開啟序幕,在詩句間,訴說此次大會的四大主軸:善心善舉共善傳承,並且傳遞在社區,連結傳統與未來共舞。這股傳承的思想,從何處悄然萌芽?是從古老的故事中生長,
不管怎樣,我們仍期待正面傳遞,ideas to legacy...善良清單 / 張卉君她問我善良是什麼,
願意愛。張卉君曾擔任 TEDxXinyi 2021年樂觀趨勢家講者──
人與海的修復關係 Moment of Reflection- the human relationship with oceans山城長大,卻愛上海洋。曾自認文學偏執狂,卻發現文字的力量無限,一路帶領著自己經驗更深的內在與更遼闊的遠方。2005年加入黑潮海洋文教基金會啟蒙環境意識,成為人生重要分水嶺,曾任黑潮海洋文教基金會執行長,為海洋及相關環境議題發聲。擅長海洋文學、海洋文化紀錄及田野調查訪談,著有《記憶重建-莫拉克災後口述史》、《黑潮洶湧》、《台灣不是孤單的存在》、《黑潮島航》、《女子山海》、《逃逸路線》等書。2006年起成為海上鯨豚解說員迄今,現任黑潮海洋文教基金會董事、環境倡議者、作家以及陶藝創作者。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
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- 16:055 timeless lessons for career success | Rohit Sipahimalani | TEDxScindia School YouthIn a rapidly evolving world, many of today’s careers may no longer exist in the next 10-15 years, while entirely new professions will emerge—ones we can't even imagine today. In this insightful TEDx talk, Mr. Rohit Sipahimalani explores the timeless principles that remain essential for success, no matter how industries and job landscapes change. Discover the key mindset shifts and strategies that can help you adapt, grow, and thrive in an unpredictable future. Rohit Sipahimalani is the Chief Investment Officer of Temasek, an investment company headquartered in Singapore. Prior to joining Temasek in 2008, Rohit spent 11 years at Morgan Stanley, holding senior positions across its Mumbai and Hong Kong offices, before being appointed Managing Director & Head of Southeast Asia Investment Banking in Singapore. Rohit began his career with Citibank and McKinsey & Co. in India. Rohit Sipahimalani graduated in Economics from St. Stephen's College, Delhi, and earned his MBA from IIM Ahmedabad. He is a proud alumnus of The Scindia School, Gwalior, and was the school captain from the batch of 1984, Ex-Jayaji. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 18:29Gandhi’s Teachings: Relevance in Today’s World | Bharat Vir Wanchoo | TEDxScindia School YouthIn this insightful TEDx talk, the speaker explores the core principles of Mahatma Gandhi’s teachings and philosophy, emphasizing their profound relevance in today’s world. From non-violence and truth to social harmony, the talk highlights how Gandhi’s timeless wisdom continues to offer solutions to modern challenges. Bharat Vir Wanchoo belongs to the 1976 batch of the Indian Police Service from the West Bengal Cadre. He was a founding officer of the Special Protection Group and became its Director in 2004, serving for seven years until his retirement in 2011.In 2012, Mr. Wanchoo took charge as the Governor of Goa and has been regarded as one of the best governors the state has ever had.He was awarded the Indian Police Medal in 1993 and the President’s Police Medal in 2001. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 18:51如何走出貧窮世襲 How To Walk Out Of Poverty | 大堯 RICK 周 CHOU | TEDxXinyi近七年,貧窮世襲的數據一直上升,貧窮世襲的家庭面臨著經濟貧困、受到傷害、機會不公、資源匱乏等問題。透過周大堯身為資深社工師以一線親身經歷的故事,揭示貧窮最初的樣貌。透過行動改善,幫助每位孩子走出貧窮世襲,擁有同等的教育機會,發展潛能,累積人力資本。最後,取之於社會,用之於社會,回饋於社會。In the past seven years, the data on intergenerational poverty has been increasing. Families trapped in the cycle of poverty face issues such as economic hardship, harm, unequal opportunities, and a lack of resources. Through the personal experiences of RICK CHOU, the initial appearance of poverty is revealed. Through action and improvement, we can help every child break free from the cycle of intergenerational poverty, provide equal educational opportunities, develop potential, and accumulate human capital. Finally, what is taken from society should be used and returned to society, giving back to the community. 周大堯是台灣家扶基金會執行長,家扶基金會是一家有74年歷史的非營利組織。周大堯在基金會工作超過30年,從第一線直接服務社工做起,陪伴了超過千名弱勢孩童面對漫漫人生路。周大堯致力於幫助社會對弱勢孩童爭取更多公平受照顧的機會,翻轉更多生命的奇蹟,走出貧窮世襲的迷思。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
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- 12:36Building Resilience | Dr. Ahmad El Muhammady | TEDxIIUMDr. Ahmad El-Muhammady is an assistant professor at ISTAC-IIUM who works closely with the Malaysian government in terrorist rehabilitation and deradicalization program. He provides consultancy to the Ministry of Home Affairs, Royal Malaysia Police (E8 Counter-Terrorism), Prison Department, Southeast Asia Regional Centre for Counter-Terrorism (SEARCCT), Institute for Youth Research Malaysia (IYRES), Ministry of Youth and Sports, and multiple agencies locally and internationally. He is also an Associate Fellow at the ICCT-The Hague, Netherlands. Currently, he is working with researchers from multiple public universities to develop Malaysia's National Action Plan (NAP) for Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (PCVE) for the Ministry of Home Affairs Malaysia.Here he talks about building resilience among people and how to take advantage of it. Dr. Ahmad El-Muhammady is an assistant professor at ISTAC-IIUM who works closely with the Malaysian government in terrorist rehabilitation and deradicalization program. He provides consultancy to the Ministry of Home Affairs, Royal Malaysia Police (E8 Counter-Terrorism), Prison Department, Southeast Asia Regional Centre for Counter-Terrorism (SEARCCT), Institute for Youth Research Malaysia (IYRES), Ministry of Youth and Sports, and multiple agencies locally and internationally. He is also an Associate Fellow at the ICCT-The Hague, Netherlands. Currently, he is working with researchers from multiple public universities to develop Malaysia's National Action Plan (NAP) for Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (PCVE) for the Ministry of Home Affairs Malaysia. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 18:21Cross-Cultural Communication | Moustafa Sano | TEDxIIUMMoustafa Sano is the owner of Samo Ventures and a leading expert on cross-cultural communication, with a particular focus on how effective public relations can bridge diverse communities. He holds a bachelor's degree in communication, specializing in public relations, from the International Islamic University Malaysia and is currently pursuing a master's degree at the University of Malaya. Sano's expertise is reflected in his proficiency in five languages, enabling him to connect with a wide range of audiences. His insights on cross-cultural communication have garnered international recognition, including winning the prestigious International Public Speaking Competition in 2019. His work has been instrumental in shaping best practices for global business interactions and fostering mutual understanding across cultural divides. Moustafa Sano is the owner of Samo Ventures and a leading expert on cross-cultural communication, with a particular focus on how effective public relations can bridge diverse communities. He holds a bachelor's degree in communication, specializing in public relations, from the International Islamic University Malaysia and is currently pursuing a master's degree at the University of Malaya. Sano's expertise is reflected in his proficiency in five languages, enabling him to connect with a wide range of audiences. His insights on cross-cultural communication have garnered international recognition, including winning the prestigious International Public Speaking Competition in 2019. His work has been instrumental in shaping best practices for global business interactions and fostering mutual understanding across cultural divides.Moustafa Sano is the owner of Samo Ventures and a leading expert on cross-cultural communication, with a particular focus on how effective public relations can bridge diverse communities. He holds a bachelor's degree in communication, specializing in public relations, from the International Islamic University Malaysia and is currently pursuing a master's degree at the University of Malaya. Sano's expertise is reflected in his proficiency in five languages, enabling him to connect with a wide range of audiences. His insights on cross-cultural communication have garnered international recognition, including winning the prestigious International Public Speaking Competition in 2019. His work has been instrumental in shaping best practices for global business interactions and fostering mutual understanding across cultural divides. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx