A Guide to Avoiding Pitfalls in Health Preservation | Junkai WEN | TEDxFuxingPark Salon
Nowadays, young people are becoming increasingly fond of health preservation. However, there are also some puzzling behaviors emerging, such as having herbal tea while eating hot pot. Based on traditional Chinese medicine theories and combined with the health preservation trends among young people, Dr. Wen Junkai has provided some excellent suggestions on "avoiding pitfalls". Wen is the winner of the Excellent Paper Award for Young and Middle-aged Scholars in the National Discipline of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Oncology.
He founded ther "Elderly Happiness Club", which was established offline, and committed to providing efficient and comprehensive scientific solutions for assisting the home-based elderly people, communities and elderly care institutions. Currently, it covers a number of series of activities such as the "Elderly Happiness School", the "Retired Club" and the "In-depth Study of Traditional Chinese Medicine", and has served more than 11,000 person. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
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- 10:43当有人说Rocket Science时...... | Tiantian Yu | TEDxJXEFLS Youth火箭科学常被视为极度复杂的代名词,但复杂性并非创新的阻碍,刻板印象才是。演讲者从热爱星际航行到拜访叶培建院士,再到加入商业火箭公司,经历了创业的艰辛与挫折。她指出,造火箭虽复杂,却基于已有的科学与工程经验,关键在于提出正确问题、快速学习和持续创新。成功的火箭企业需要多元背景的团队和开放的思维,工程师、管理者、分析师共同构建的生态系统才是推动深空探索的力量。创新不是被动跟随,而是打破常规,每个人都可以通过持续学习和付出来改变世界。我们不应让任何偏见限制梦想,火箭的未来属于每一位敢于想象、勇于实践的人。 A serial entrepreneur who founded China’s first interstellar tugboat transportation service company, with the vision of achieving low-cost and fast access to any location in the solar system. The goal is to provide large-scale, low-cost, and high-frequency interstellar delivery services. The company offers trunk transportation solutions and energy support services for clients, ranging from LEO (Low Earth Orbit), MEO (Medium Earth Orbit), GEO (Geostationary Orbit), to deep space. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 12:22Une vie, Un parcours pour inspirer | BRAHIM GUIHINI DADI | TEDxMoursalCette présente retrace la vie et le parcours d'un homme qui a transcendé tous les obstacles pour réaliser son rêve en aviation. Son parcours est un livret d'or pour inspirer la jeune génération. Inspecteur d’aviation civile, Expert des Services de la Navigation Aérienne, des télécommunications & réseaux, aérodromes et aides au sol, j’ai une expérience professionnelle de dix-huit (18) ans dans les domaines précités dont treize (13) années sans interruption dans des postes de direction et de haut niveau. Depuis 2015, il a été tour à tour la première autorité de l’aviation civile du Tchad (Directeur Général de l’ADAC 2013 – 2015 puis 2022 – 2023), Représentant Résident de l’ASECNA au Tchad et Directeur Général de la Compagnie nationale tchadienne ROYAL AIRWAYS.Ayant exercé des activités avec large autonomie dans des configurations de travail en équipe et un environnement multinational (l’ASECNA compte 19 Etats), il s’adapte facilement au changement et travaille sous pression.Il est actuellement le Directeur Général de l'Autorité de l'Aviation Civile (ADAC) du Tchad. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
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