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AI: The Only Solution for Underfunded Cancers? | Tassnym Echchahed | TEDxCégep Champlain St Lawrence

While medical research has made remarkable strides in treating many forms of cancer, certain variants remain trapped in the shadows of underfunding due to their lower public profile or perceived marketability. The impartial nature of artifical intelligence makes it a prominent ally in this fight, offering its analytical prowess equally to all cancers regardless of their prominence, demonstrating how technology's objectivity could help level the playing field in cancer research. My name is Tassnym Echchahed, I'm 18 years old and currently studying in the science program at CEGEP St-Lawrence. I aspire to make a positive impact in the world of robotics and artificial intelligence, since I believe they are fields often despised by the public. Indeed, the general belief regarding the threats imposed by upcoming advancements in artificial intelligence seem to outweigh the benefits that such a technology can offer to humanity. More often than not, the opposite turns out to be true, a reality that I hope to depict in the eight minutes where I detail how AI algorithms have the power to be a great help to underfunded cancers. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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