未來等於現在?想法到行動的四個步驟 | 張黎音 Ines Chang | TEDxYongkang
我是誰、你想成為什麼樣的人?其實不需太早定義、沒有時間標準,而是著眼生活中的小事,所有事都有意義,所有時間都不浪費,一點一滴正在凝聚你成型。如何透過「想法到行動、從行動中找到使命,在未知中找到安全感」確信自我價值,找到自已的使命感。 張黎音是一名旅館管理顧問。在其20年的旅館生涯中找到永續的使命,協助企業推動永續行銷,將旅遊與永續結合,讓世界變得更好。她對於使命提出四個方法與步驟,假如你想創業,做一件從來沒人做過的事,一腳跳進『藍海』市場,那麼這個想法,尤其值得創業者參考。願人們都是深海裡的鯨魚,擁有遠見及智慧。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
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- 16:18Real Men Don’t Hide Their Feelings | Tony Polion | TEDxGreensboroNOTE FROM TED: This talk contains a discussion of suicidal ideation. If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts, please consult a mental health professional and/or support organization, as this talk is not a substitute for mental health advice. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give TEDx organizers are described in more detail here: https://storage.ted.com/tedx/manuals/tedx_content_guidelines.pdfThe "Real Men Don't" culture led to a friend's tragic suicide, motivating me to create a Safe Space For Men to promote openness and combat harmful stigmas and societal issues. Tony Polion, founder of ” A Haven For Men,” specializes in men’s mental health and well-being. He advocates for globally dismantling the “Real Men Don’t” culture through transformative workshops that provide tools for mental, physical, and spiritual wellness, impacting, “The Whole Man”. Tony has a background in mental health, martial arts and fitness, and community oriented law enforcement. Tony tailors his engaging presentations to inspire personal and professional growth and fulfillment. His diverse experience and passion for helping others make him an invaluable asset to any event.“Let’s create environments of appreciation that destroy The Real Men Don’t Culture.” This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 10:07Practical lessons learned from a jail cell | Mike Taylor | TEDxGreenRockCorrectionalCenterNOTE FROM TED: This talk only represents the speaker's personal religious views. We've flagged this talk because it falls outside the content guidelines TED gives TEDx organizers. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give TEDx organizers are described in more detail here: http://storage.ted.com/tedx/manuals/tedx_content_guidelines.pdfDrawing on his faith and his experience with a formerly incarcerated person, Sheriff Mike Taylor shares tips on how to be successful. Mike Taylor, Sheriff of Pittsylvania County since 2008, is responsible for courthouse security, ensuring the civil processes that come from the courts, the jail building, and the welfare of the inmates.Mike was inspired to work in law enforcement in high school after speaking with an FBI agent. His public service began in high school when he joined the Danville Life Saving Crew and the Ringgold Volunteer Fire Department. In 1975, Mike went back to school and earned an Associate degree in Police Science and a Bachelor’s in Business Administration from Longwood University. Mike is a graduate of the Thomas C. Sorenson Institute for Political Leadership at UVA and a graduate from the FBI National Academy and DEA Basic School.Mike enjoys working, spending time outdoors, with family and friends, fishing, hunting, and being involved in church. Mike and his wife Becky have been married for 47 years. They have two sons and five grandchildren. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
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- 9:53Queer and transness through digital utopias | Noah Holtegaard | TEDxAalborgArtist Noah Holtegaard tells stories about queer and transness, through imaginary worlds filled with glitter. With the tools of digital space, he tries to escape his body, through digital utopias. Noah Holtegaard is a digital visual artist, working with queeer utopian universes, and is studying their MFA in media arts at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 10:29Rethinking the American Dream with computational politics | Simon Farruqui | TEDxMiltonAcademyThrough his talk, Simon emphasizes the power of asking hard questions, fostering emotional connections, and moving beyond buzzwords to drive meaningful change. Simon Farruqui, a high school senior at Milton Academy, explores the intersection of policy, data, and storytelling to address critical global issues. Inspired by his family's immigrant journey from Bangladesh to the U.S., Simon investigates how narratives and policies shape public perception and action. His research, including a computational analysis of U.S. presidential speeches, reveals the polarizing rhetoric surrounding immigration, underscoring the need for empathetic communication. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 16:23Lieben, was ist: Ein Leben mit Down-Syndrom | Sabine Martini | TEDxMünsterIn ihrem TEDx-Talk erzählt Sabine Martini, wie die Diagnose Down-Syndrom vor der Geburt ihrer Tochter sie vor unzählige Fragen und Entscheidungen gestellt hat. Trotz vieler Ungewissheiten, die das Leben ihrer Tochter mit sich bringt, teilt sie mit dem Publikum gerade auch die bereichernden Erfahrungen: das neue Familienleben bringt so viel Schönheit, Klarheit und Entschleunigung. Sabine reflektiert über die ethischen und persönlichen Aspekte dieser Entscheidung, die nicht nur ihr Leben, sondern auch ihr Umfeld prägt. Mit ihrer bewegenden Geschichte hat sie uns zu Tränen gerührt und bekam Standing Ovations.Loving what isIn her TEDxMünster talk, Sabine Martini explains how the diagnosis of Down's syndrome before the birth of her daughter confronted her with countless questions and decisions. Despite the many uncertainties that her daughter's life brings, she shares with the audience the enriching experiences: the new family life brings so much beauty, clarity and deceleration. Sabine reflects on the ethical and personal aspects of this decision, which shapes not only her life but also her environment. She moved us to tears with her story and received standing ovations. Sabine Martini ist Mutter einer Tochter mit Down-Syndrom. Die heutige Medizin hat es erlaubt, dass sie schon vor der Geburt von der Diagnose wusste, und trotz aller damit einhergehenden Unsicherheiten hat sie sich für das Leben ihrer Tochter entschieden. Sabine lässt uns in ihr Leben schauen und teilt mit uns, was sie bei einer Entscheidung gegen das Leben ihrer Tochter verpasst hätte. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx