Journey to the Self | Katarína Koščová | TEDxTrencin
Katarína Koščová is a singer, songwriter, mother, and passionate book lover. With her unique voice, authenticity, and warmth, she has won the hearts of many fans. She is unafraid to experiment with different genres, blending elements of jazz, chanson, and folk in her music. Together with Daniel Špiner (piano, accordion), she forms a musical duo known for their intimate, heartfelt concerts full of tenderness and emotion. In November 2023, they released their new album Krehkosť (Fragility), created in a log cabin beneath the Tatra Mountains. The album explores the fleeting nature of the moments we live, capturing both the beauty and pain of life. Throughout her career, she has collaborated with renowned musicians such as Geišbergovci, Neřež, Dan Bárta, and AMC Trio. Recently, she has been focusing more on topics like mental health, healing emotional wounds, societal expectations, self-acceptance, and self-love.
Katarína Koščová is a singer, songwriter, mother, and passionate book lover. With her unique voice, authenticity, and warmth, she has won the hearts of many fans. She is unafraid to experiment with different genres, blending elements of jazz, chanson, and folk in her music. Together with Daniel Špiner (piano, accordion), she forms a musical duo known for their intimate, heartfelt concerts full of tenderness and emotion. In November 2023, they released their new album Krehkosť (Fragility), created in a log cabin beneath the Tatra Mountains. The album explores the fleeting nature of the moments we live, capturing both the beauty and pain of life. Throughout her career, she has collaborated with renowned musicians such as Geišbergovci, Neřež, Dan Bárta, and AMC Trio. Recently, she has been focusing more on topics like mental health, healing emotional wounds, societal expectations, self-acceptance, and self-love. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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- 18:21Cross-Cultural Communication | Moustafa Sano | TEDxIIUMMoustafa Sano is the owner of Samo Ventures and a leading expert on cross-cultural communication, with a particular focus on how effective public relations can bridge diverse communities. He holds a bachelor's degree in communication, specializing in public relations, from the International Islamic University Malaysia and is currently pursuing a master's degree at the University of Malaya. Sano's expertise is reflected in his proficiency in five languages, enabling him to connect with a wide range of audiences. His insights on cross-cultural communication have garnered international recognition, including winning the prestigious International Public Speaking Competition in 2019. His work has been instrumental in shaping best practices for global business interactions and fostering mutual understanding across cultural divides. Moustafa Sano is the owner of Samo Ventures and a leading expert on cross-cultural communication, with a particular focus on how effective public relations can bridge diverse communities. He holds a bachelor's degree in communication, specializing in public relations, from the International Islamic University Malaysia and is currently pursuing a master's degree at the University of Malaya. Sano's expertise is reflected in his proficiency in five languages, enabling him to connect with a wide range of audiences. His insights on cross-cultural communication have garnered international recognition, including winning the prestigious International Public Speaking Competition in 2019. His work has been instrumental in shaping best practices for global business interactions and fostering mutual understanding across cultural divides.Moustafa Sano is the owner of Samo Ventures and a leading expert on cross-cultural communication, with a particular focus on how effective public relations can bridge diverse communities. He holds a bachelor's degree in communication, specializing in public relations, from the International Islamic University Malaysia and is currently pursuing a master's degree at the University of Malaya. Sano's expertise is reflected in his proficiency in five languages, enabling him to connect with a wide range of audiences. His insights on cross-cultural communication have garnered international recognition, including winning the prestigious International Public Speaking Competition in 2019. His work has been instrumental in shaping best practices for global business interactions and fostering mutual understanding across cultural divides. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 20:05Indian...Native American...Indigenous | Kelly C. Walter Carney | TEDxMethodist UniversityThis TEDx talk delves into Indigenous wisdom and storytelling, highlighting the deep connection between identity, land, and community. Featuring insights from thinkers like N. Scott Momaday and Robin Wall Kimmerer, it explores key principles such as respect, reciprocity, and holistic meaning-making, encouraging a deeper understanding of Indigenous perspectives. Kelly C. Walter Carney (she/her/hers) earned her Ph.D. in Comparative Literature at the Pennsylvania State University. Her research focuses on issues of race and gender in literature, with a special focus on global Indigenous literature. She has been teaching at Methodist University for the last 15 years; before that, she taught at Vanguard University of Southern California for 14 years. She also spent a year teaching at the Heinrich Heine University in Duesseldorf, Germany as a Fulbright scholar. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 14:24The Power of Information Sharing in Shaping Perceptions | Minnu Paul | TEDxMethodist UniversityThe presentation titled "Unveiling Bias: The Power of Information Sharing in Shaping Perceptions" by Minnu Paul examines how the dissemination of information influences individual and collective biases. It delves into the mechanisms through which shared information can mold perceptions, potentially reinforcing or challenging existing biases. The presentation emphasizes the significance of recognizing these dynamics to promote more informed and equitable viewpoints. She charted her individual journey in change management and organizational development, pursuing educational and career advancements across India, the USA, and the UK. Her academic journey led her to obtain a Bachelor's degree in Economics and a Master's degree in Business Administration with a focus on Organizational Development and Leadership in the United States. Currently, she is working towards her Doctorate in Business Administration, accumulating around 11 years of international education experience along the way. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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- 16:01"Radici forti per seminare buonsenso" | Bonetta Dell'Oglio | TEDxUniPa"Da seme nasce cosa" sottolinea l'importanza di seminare buoni valori e pratiche per costruire una società più consapevole e sostenibile. La speaker riflette sul valore delle radici culturali e agricole, usando la Sicilia come esempio di resilienza. Invita a educare le nuove generazioni alla conoscenza, responsabilità e inclusività, e a un ritorno a pratiche sostenibili come l'agricoltura locale e la cucina tradizionale. Ogni piccola azione, come la scelta dei semi, può essere un atto di resistenza per un futuro migliore, rispettando le radici culturali e naturali della nostra terra."From seed comes growth" emphasizes the importance of sowing good values and practices to build a more aware and sustainable society. The speaker reflects on the value of cultural and agricultural roots, using Sicily as an example of resilience. She calls for educating future generations in knowledge, responsibility, and inclusivity, and a return to sustainable practices like local farming and traditional cooking. Every small action, such as choosing seeds, can be an act of resistance for a better future, respecting the cultural and natural roots of our land. Bonetta dell'Oglio è una chef siciliana di Palermo, conosciuta per il suo impegno nella cucina tradizionale siciliana e nella promozione di pratiche alimentari locali e sostenibili. Ha fondato il movimento culturale "La Rivoluzione in un Chicco" per sensibilizzare sull'agricoltura biologica e la conservazione delle antiche varietà di grano siciliane. Membro dell'Alleanza Slow Food dei Cuochi, Bonetta utilizza prodotti biodinamici nella sua cucina. Ha scritto un libro sulla cucina siciliana e partecipato a eventi culinari per promuovere l'eredità gastronomica dell'isola.Bonetta dell'Oglio is a Sicilian chef from Palermo, known for her dedication to traditional Sicilian cuisine and promoting local, sustainable food practices. She founded the cultural movement "La Rivoluzione in un Chicco" to raise awareness about organic farming and preserving ancient Sicilian grain varieties. A member of the Slow Food Alliance of Chefs, Bonetta uses biodynamic products in her cooking. She has authored a book on Sicilian cuisine and participated in culinary events to promote the island’s rich gastronomic heritage. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 13:54"Giardinaggio e cattedrali" | Salvatore Di Dio | TEDxUniPaNel suo intervento al TEDx, Salvatore di Dio riflette sull'urgenza di un cambiamento sistemico per combattere il cambiamento climatico e il degrado ambientale. Sebbene gli sforzi per ridurre le emissioni di CO2 non abbiano dato i risultati sperati, il lockdown durante la pandemia ha dimostrato quanto rapidamente possano cambiare i comportamenti umani. Sostiene che sia necessario ripensare le strutture stesse della nostra economia, concentrandosi sulla sostenibilità e sull'equità sociale, e abbracciare un pensiero a lungo termine per costruire un futuro migliore per le generazioni future. Attraverso progetti innovativi come la mobilità sostenibile, Di Dio sottolinea il potere dell'educazione e dell'azione collettiva per creare un mondo più sostenibile.In his TEDx talk, Salvatore di Dio reflects on the urgent need for systemic change to tackle climate change and environmental degradation. Despite efforts to reduce CO2 emissions, the pandemic lockdown showed how quickly human behavior can change. He argues that we must rethink the very structures of our economy, focusing on sustainability and social equity, and embrace long-term thinking to build a better future for the generations to come. Through innovative projects like sustainable mobility, Di Dio highlights the power of education and collective action to create a more sustainable world. Salvatore di Dio è Professore Associato di Design all'Università di Palermo e co-fondatore di numerosi progetti innovativi. È impegnato in ricerche sulla progettazione sostenibile e la mobilità, con iniziative come PUSH, un laboratorio che promuove soluzioni per migliorare la qualità della vita urbana. Con una carriera che unisce accademia, imprenditoria e impegno sociale, Salvatore Di Dio lavora per un futuro più sostenibile e tecnologicamente avanzato, trasformando idee in azioni concrete che hanno un impatto positivo sulle comunità.Salvatore di Dio is an Associate Professor of Design at the University of Palermo and a co-founder of several innovative projects. He is involved in research on sustainable design and mobility, with initiatives such as PUSH, a lab focused on developing solutions to improve urban quality of life. With a career that blends academia, entrepreneurship, and social impact, Salvatore Di Dio works towards a more sustainable and technologically advanced future, turning ideas into concrete actions that positively impact communities.Salvatore di Dio è Professore Associato di Design all'Università di Palermo e co-fondatore di numerosi progetti innovativi. È impegnato in ricerche sulla progettazione sostenibile e la mobilità, con iniziative come PUSH, un laboratorio che promuove soluzioni per migliorare la qualità della vita urbana. Con una carriera che unisce accademia, imprenditoria e impegno sociale, Salvatore Di Dio lavora per un futuro più sostenibile e tecnologicamente avanzato, trasformando idee in azioni concrete che hanno un impatto positivo sulle comunità.Salvatore di Dio is an Associate Professor of Design at the University of Palermo and a co-founder of several innovative projects. He is involved in research on sustainable design and mobility, with initiatives such as PUSH, a lab focused on developing solutions to improve urban quality of life. With a career that blends academia, entrepreneurship, and social impact, Salvatore Di Dio works towards a more sustainable and technologically advanced future, turning ideas into concrete actions that positively impact communities. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at