The AI doctor will see you now | Angus Turner | TEDxPerthSalon
AI has the power to transform the field of medical diagnostics, particularly in remote areas of the world. In this talk, Angus explores how AI is helping to detect diseases early and save lives. Professor Angus Turner is dedicated to improving healthcare in remote communities. As the founder of Lions Outback Vision, he has spearheaded efforts to bring cutting-edge eye care to underserved regions. In 2024, his organisation won a prestigious five million dollar award for their mobile retinal camera-based diagnostic tool. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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- 16:29How nuclear fusion could power the future | Jim McNiel | TEDxBermudaIn the fall of 2023, scientists working on nuclear fusion reached a milestone - the energy output was greater than the energy input. Nuclear fusion is rapidly developing and is increasingly becoming a viable alternative to fossil fuels. This talk is a masterclass in understanding the science behind this exciting frontier. Jim McNiel is a seasoned technology executive with a proven track record of innovation and leadership. As Chief Growth Officer at TAE Technologies, he is driving the company's mission to develop a commercial fusion solution that delivers carbon-free, non-radioactive baseload energy to the planet.With over 30 years of experience in the tech industry, Jim has played key roles in the founding and growth of numerous successful technology companies. His expertise spans a wide range of areas, including digital transformation, business strategy, and marketing.Prior to joining TAE Technologies, Jim served as Chief Strategy Officer and Board Director at ProHawk, a leading provider of video enhancement software. He has served on the Board of Directors of TAE Technologies for over a decade and was the Executive Producer and co-creator of the documentary "Lo and Behold: Reveries of the Connected World." Jim is a graduate of the Wharton school This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 13:32Los barrios autoconstruidos no son carencia, son potencia. | Cielo Holguín | TEDxCuencaCielo comparte el proceso que el barrio de Moravia, un barrio autoconstruido de Medellín, ha recorrido para reclamar mejor calidad de vida, desde lo urbano y lo comunitario. Lideresa comunitaria del Barrio Moravia. Profesional en Desarrollo Familia - Universidad Luís Amigó. Maestría en Procesos Urbanos y Ambientales - Urbam EAFIT. Cofundadora y directora de la Fundación Oasis Urbano. Su trabajo se enfoca en procesos de urbanismo participativo que junten los distintos actores; lideres comunitarios, sociedad civil, academia, sector público y privado, en la conformación de grupos multidisciplinarios e interculturales para coproducir ideas e intervenciones que aporten a la construcción de una vida digna para comunidades que autoconstruyen sus territorios. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 21:58The Healing Experience of Collective Vulnerability | Angelo Musco | TEDxCalle AldamaWhat if vulnerability wasn’t a weakness, but a gateway to healing? In his TEDxCalle Aldama talk, The Healing Experience of Collective Vulnerability, Angelo Musco explores the profound power of shared human experiences. Through his intricate, large-scale art—built from thousands of individual stories and bodies—he reveals how embracing our scars, both physical and emotional, can lead to deep connection, transformation, and collective strength. Angelo’s work challenges us to see vulnerability not as something to hide, but as a force that unites and heals. His talk is a moving testament to the idea that when we share our truths, we don’t just heal ourselves—we heal together. Musco’s work delves into themes of birth, confinement, and natural architecture, using the human body as a central symbol. His pieces often evoke forms like eggs, nests, and amniotic fluid, drawing inspiration from the organic structures found in nature. His large-scale works translate these ideas into both physical installations and striking photographic compositions. Based in New York, Musco stages his art across the globe, from major cities like London, Paris, and Berlin, to vibrant cultural hubs in Buenos Aires and beyond. His work is part of major collections and has been exhibited in public venues worldwide, including prestigious platforms like Art Basel and the Venice Biennale, where his evocative explorations of the natural world and human form continue to captivate audiences. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 16:21Piensa como un Humano, Actúa como un Algoritmo | Alex Rayón | TEDxU ComillasPiensa como un Humano, Actúa como un Algoritmo | Los emprendedores pueden combinar lo mejor del pensamiento humano – creatividad, intuición y empatía – con la precisión, eficiencia y capacidad analítica de la inteligencia artificial. A través de ejemplos reales y herramientas prácticas, se invita a tomar una perspectiva híbrida que maximiza el potencial humano y tecnológico para innovar en un mundo aceleradamente digital. Porque en la era de la inteligencia artificial, pensar como un humano nunca había sido tan valioso. Álex Rayón Jerez (Bilbao, 28 de diciembre de 1984) es un experto en transformación digital e inteligencia artificial. Es CEO de Brain & Code, empresa especializada en educación tecnológica, y Vicerrector de Relaciones Internacionales y Transformación Digital en la Universidad de Deusto, donde también dirige Deusto BigData. Doctor en Informática y Telecomunicaciones, ha liderado proyectos de transformación digital en diversas empresas y es editor de la newsletter Además, ha participado como experto en la Comisión de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital del Senado. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 16:14Un Camino hacia el Liderazgo | Celia Llácer | TEDxU ComillasUn Camino hacia el Liderazgo | Dirigir una orquesta y liderar un proyecto comparten un mismo reto: lograr armonía sin perder autenticidad. A través de la música, exploramos cómo el autoconocimiento y la introspección son claves para un liderazgo inspirador. Porque liderar no es imponer, sino hacer que cada voz suene en su mejor versión. Apasionada y enérgica, la carrera de Celia se encuentra en un momento muy decisivo, pues su trabajo la ha llevado a trabajar desde Europa a Estados Unidos. Con un gran carisma, trabaja siempre desde la cooperación y una mirada muy integradora con orquestas como Dallas Opera o la Orquesta Sinfónica de Castilla y León. Ha sido directora asistente de l’Orchestre Philarmonique Royal de Liège en la temporada 2023/2024 y ha dirigido en muchos de los más prestigiosos festivales de música como el Tanglewood Music Festival o el Gstaad Menuhin Festival. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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