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The Goldilocks Zone of Learning | Ruhi Mahesh | TEDxAl Diyafah High School

In my talk, I explore how unexpected connections in the brain make learning fun! I introduce the concept of a Goldilocks Zone of Learning—a concept I believe will shape the next generation of schools. Using neurological evidence, I unpack how the biologically painful process of learning and the Goldilocks concept connect to transform education. Hey! I’m Ruhi Mahesh—a teen on her way to revolutionizing the future of education. Dreaming of opening my own school one day, I constantly immerse myself in the psychology of learning, exploring what the best school practices truly are and adding them to my ‘dream school’ scrapbook—one page at a time! This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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