How to actually get recognized for your work | Esther Stanhope | TEDxOltrarno
Are you technically brilliant at your job but struggle to be recognised and rewarded for all your amazing efforts? This talk is about having the confidence to step out from the shadows and into the spotlight.Esther talks about “The Invisibles” who work harder than everyone else in the office, yet never get rewarded. Good news, you can be more visible and strengthen your profile without showing off. All you need to do is share your insights, expertise and be YOURSELF. This talk will give you the confidence to speak up and step into the spotlight no matter who you are, what you look like, or where you are from. Discover how your unique brilliance can inspire transformative change in yourself and others.Personal Impact expert and business owner, Esther Stanhope shares her experience of 20+ years being behind the scenes in broadcasting and making “talent” look good and her journey into the scary spotlight herself.She’s now a sought after public speaker and coaches high profile leaders and execs, from global organisations all over the world. Esther Stanhope is a distinguished international speaker and award-winning author, recognized in London’s business community as “The Impact Guru,” a title coined by Deloitte.With a robust background as a former live BBC producer, Esther has transitioned her expertise into empowering professionals to enhance their visibility and impact in the workplace. Her services are highly sought after by FTSE 100 firms, leveraging her unique broadcasting skills to translate seamlessly into the business world.Esther specializes in helping individuals amplify their voices, elevate their visibility beyond mere technical proficiency, and advance their careers. Her extensive experience includes over 20 years of working with high-profile talent, including interviews with notable figures such as George Clooney and Madonna.Through her guidance, professionals learn to assert themselves, gain recognition as thought leaders, and achieve career promotions. Esther’s strategic insights and practical tips are designed to foster a compelling presence and drive professional growth. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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- 10:42The Art of Personal Knowledge Management | Eytan Karni | TEDxBeitBerlCollegeEytan Karni, an English student at Beit-Berl’s English Department, has spent the past three years delving into personal knowledge management (PKM).In today’s world, mastering PKM is essential. Organizations have long understood the value of collecting and organizing knowledge. However, we often overlook how managing these digital pieces of our lives can create value. In the long run, when stitched together correctly, they become incredibly powerful.Eytan introduces a relatively new approach to help us navigate the overwhelming flow of data that surrounds us daily.He demonstrates the distinction between folders and links, showing how this knowledge can streamline our daily tasks and foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of our unique, individual traits. "English student at Beit-Berl's English department, Personal knowledge management enthusiast, and a lifelong learner. As someone who writes regularly, I felt unable to make sense of my writings over the years and was looking for the best solution eagerly.In today's world, we are all facing tons of bureaucracy, and mastering personal knowledge management is essential. Eytan introduces a relatively new approach to help us make sense of the vast amount of data we are surrounded by. He highlights the importance of understanding the distinction between folders and links, demonstrating how this knowledge can significantly enhance our day-to-day lives." This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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- 17:00Agata Capra e la magia delle illusioni | Mauro Curcuruto | TEDxMessinaUn viaggio tra realtà e illusione, ispirato alla creatività e alla potenza simbolica del linguaggio che attraverso il nominare dà forma al mondo e alla realtà. Scopri come le illusioni possono diventare strumenti di conoscenza e creatività, persino per affrontare problemi concreti e possono diventare stimolo e guida nel viaggio che porta al compimento di noi stessi. Un racconto di magia, design e riflessione sul potere delle nostre visioni (e illusioni) interiori. Mauro Curcuruto è siciliano, vive nei pressi di Taormina e lavora da remoto come Design director in Subsense, una piccola e prestigiosa design firm con sede a Milano. Niente lauree, si è formato sul campo, tra inciampi e capitomboli, tutti di rango. Quel po’ che sa lo deve a qualche libro e ai maestri incontrati lungo la via. Poi, per darsi un tono, ha conseguito il Master in UX Design presso Talent Garden (MI). Ha una modesta formazione umanistica, un’indole da buono, è curioso e pienissimo di dubbi. Legge poesia e di rado la scrive. Ha pubblicato la silloge "L’esatta vertigine" (A&B editore). This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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- 16:19La geografia del margine | Francamente | TEDxLeverano Women-Francamente è un progetto torinese trapiantato a Berlino dal 2021. Queerness e attivismo occupano il centro della sua produzione musicale, che prova a muoversi tra cantautorato ed elettronica. Da grande vorrebbe fare la filosofa. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 9:49Entrepreneurship as a Catalyst for Social Change | Nadia Zara Roseno | TEDxUNJEntrepreneurship has the power to break down social barriers and build bridges by facilitating collaboration, inclusion and empowerment. By giving individuals from diverse backgrounds the opportunity to create businesses, entrepreneurship can enhance social mobility, economic equality and community development. Through innovative solutions and inclusive practices, entrepreneurs can address pressing social issues and drive positive change both locally and globally. Discussions include current social issues, the importance of everyone’s role in entrepreneurship, should entrepreneurs be entrepreneurs? Nadia Zahra Roseno is a passionate advocate for social change, recognized for her leadership in both national and international arenas. As Puteri Inspirasi Sumatera Utara 2024 and one of the top speaker on anti-discrimination Korean-Indonesian Relations event, she champions equality and innovation. Nadia's participation in global conferences like the ASEAN Youth Summit 2023 highlights her commitment to using entrepreneurship as a catalyst for social impact, breaking barriers, and building a more inclusive society. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at