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身体の「自在化」- Mastery Over the Extended Self | Masahiko Inami | TEDxUTokyo

稲見昌彦氏は、「人間のやりたいこと」を機械や技術をもちいて行う「自在化」の概念を提唱する「人間拡張工学」の研究者です。機械や技術による自動化と一線を画す彼の試みは、私たちの夢をかなえてくれるのでしょうか。Masahiko Inami is a researcher of “jizai-ness” or "move free movement" using machines and technology to do what humans want to do. Distinct from the concept of automation, will this innovation make our dreams come true?As a researcher in body informatics, my objective is to augment human abilities by liberating the body and improving skills. 身体情報学研究者、身体やスキルの「自在化」による人間拡張を目指す。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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