From Pages to Power: How Stories Build Leaders | Sweta Samota | TEDxPodar World College
Sweta Samota is an award-winning book coach, bestselling author, and motivational speaker renowned for transforming the publishing journey of aspiring authors. She was honored with the Global Fame Award 2022 as the “Best Book Coach, Author, and Speaker” for her innovative approach to helping writers publish books without financial investment. A former software engineer, she transitioned from a successful 12-year corporate career to pursue her passion for storytelling and mentoring. Sweta has authored 17 books, including Change-makers, whose foreword was written by Bollywood actor Taapsee Pannu and launched by luminaries like Javed Akhtar and Nandita Das. Through her “90-day author launchpad” workshops, Sweta has empowered hundreds of writers to craft and self-publish impactful stories. Her work challenges traditional publishing norms, making writing accessible to everyone.Date: 14th December 2024
Venue: Podar International SchoolOrganised by Aahaan Shekhar, Nami Sanghani, Sargam Bijoor & Assad Khatri Sweta Samota is an award-winning book coach, bestselling author, and motivational speaker renowned for transforming the publishing journey of aspiring authors. She was honored with the Global Fame Award 2022 as the “Best Book Coach, Author, and Speaker” for her innovative approach to helping writers publish books without financial investment. A former software engineer, she transitioned from a successful 12-year corporate career to pursue her passion for storytelling and mentoring.Sweta has authored 11 books, including Changemakers, whose foreword was written by Bollywood actor Taapsee Pannu and launched by luminaries like Javed Akhtar and Nandita Das. Through her “Most Trusted Author” workshops, Sweta has empowered hundreds of writers to craft and self-publish impactful stories.A dynamic speaker and entrepreneur, Sweta’s mission is to democratize the publishing process, inspire creativity, and leave a lasting impact on the literary world. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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