How to find calm in creative storms | Radim Malinic | TEDxFrankfurt
In the turbulent world of creativity, resilience is key. Radim Malinic shares how learning to "surf" creative waves—embracing uncertainty, lowering expectations, and staying present—can transform failure into growth. Discover how to find calm in the chaos and ride the waves of creativity with confidence. Radim Malinic is an author and designer living in London.He runs an award-winning branding and creative studio (Brand Nu); an independent publishing imprint (Brand Nu Books); a speciality grade coffee brand (Lux Coffee Co). hosts podcast (Mindful Creative).Czech-born Malinic's diverse background includes stints as an ice hockey player, bassist in death metal bands, indie DJ and student of Economics and Business Management. At the turn of the millennium, he moved to the UK to explore the music scene, ultimately discovering his passion for art and design. His eclectic interests have led to collaborations with major brands worldwide.Across six published books, Malinic's early works focused on brand design before evolving to explore practical guidance for creative career development. His recent double-book project represents the culmination of his expertise, pairing professional frameworks with mindful approaches to creative life, cementing his influence in the creative industry. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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