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Unlocking Myself: Become Whole Again | Vo Hoang Yen | TEDxYersin University

Have you ever found yourself on a path that seemed perfect at first, only to realize it wasn’t meant for you? Today, we’re about to hear a story about someone who faced exactly that. Our speaker, Vo Hoang Yen, will take us through this journey of pursuing a dream that looked flawless from the outside, but ultimately led her to a powerful realization about finding true passion and unlocking potential.In her talk, Vo Hoang Yen will share a deeply personal story of academic achievements, struggles, and the courage to change direction when the journey no longer felt right. It’s a story about finding passion, embracing failure, and realizing that it’s never too late to rewrite our own story. Inspired by the characters in Jurassic World from her childhood, Yen was determined to master English and speak it as fluently as those she admired on screen. What began as a mere academic obligation soon evolved into a deeper, purpose-driven pursuit. No longer studying English just to meet academic requirements, she became a focused learner with clear goals. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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