Los secretos del piano a cuatro manos | Dúo Curbelo | TEDxULPGC
Adéntrate en el fascinante mundo del piano a cuatro manos junto a Óliver y José María, hermanos gemelos que han perfeccionado esta exigente técnica desde su infancia. A través de cautivadores ejemplos musicales y reveladoras curiosidades históricas, descubrirás los desafíos únicos de esta disciplina: desde el entrelazado de manos y el dominio del pedal hasta la compenetración absoluta que permite a dos pianistas sonar como si fueran uno solo. Además, conocerás cómo grandes compositores transformaron sus obras orquestales para este formato, creando una experiencia musical llena de riqueza, belleza y armonía orquestal. Dúo Curbelo, integrado por los hermanos gemelos Óliver y José Mª Curbelo desde 1991, se ha consolidado como uno de los dúos pianísticos más destacados del panorama internacional. Su brillante trayectoria concertística los ha llevado a prestigiosos escenarios de Europa y América, donde han fascinado al público con su extraordinaria compenetración y virtuosismo interpretativo. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
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- 16:20What space telescopes teach us about the universe | Amber Straughn | TEDxCapeMayEverything we can see and measure - hundreds of billions of galaxies, trillions of stars, countless planets, and any beings that might inhabit them - all of that only makes up 5% of the known universe. The rest - the other 95%? We have no idea. I will talk about how the Webb telescope reveals new secrets of the universe and what's in store for the future that might give us insight into the unknown 95%. Dr. Amber Straughn is an Astrophysicist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD and is a member of the Webb Space Telescope Science Team. She is also the Associate Director of the Astrophysics Science Division.Amber grew up in rural Arkansas and was the first person in her family to attend college. She obtained her BS in Physics at the University of Arkansas, and completed her MS and PhD in Physics at Arizona State University.In addition to research, Amber is a passionate and accomplished science communicator. She frequently speaks to large audiences at conventions, corporate events, museums, and research societies worldwide. Amber has done numerous live interviews and media features for NASA, and has appeared on CBS 60 Minutes, PBS NOVA, the Emmy-nominated Netflix documentary “Unknown: Cosmic Time Machine”, The Science Channel, in the Late Night with Jimmy Fallon's "Hubble Gotchu" segment, and in the Emmy-winning documentary The Hunt for Planet B. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 11:56How Many True Loves Are Out There For You? | Leonard Skinner | TEDxTraleeWould you sit across from your one true love and feast whilst they starve? Would you close the door on them and have them sleep on the streets whilst you rest in your warm bed? Would you rather work with, than compete against, your one true love? Leonard Skinner is an Irish author, speaker, and passionate advocate for off-grid and sustainable living. His most recent work, Love in a Self-Serving World, ties in with his doctoral research in the philosophy of love, exploring the depths of human connection and the essence of what it means to love. Leonard's work is a reflection of his journey—one that combines a love for life, philosophy, and the enduring search for meaning.Instagram: @leonardskinnerofficial YouTube: @LeonardSkinnerOfficial This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 16:30How to start your career in tech | Christian Nnabugwu | TEDxABSU UturuThis informative speech was designed for individuals looking to make their mark in the tech industry. The speaker - Mr. Christian Nnabugwu shared essential tips and strategies for newcomers, covering topics such as acquiring fundamental skills, building a strong portfolio, and navigating the job market. Attendees will learn about the importance of networking, staying updated with industry trends, and leveraging online resources for continuous learning. ABOUT Nnabugwu Christian is a multidisciplinary designer and software engineer with 8 years of experience driving innovation and building impactful products in the edtech sector. Currently, he leads the Design and Innovations team at Lloydant Business Services, where he spearheads projects that blend cutting-edge technology with user-centric design. As a passionate tech educator and evangelist, Christian has mentored over 2000+ students in diverse tech bootcamps and accelerator programs at Learnable by Tenece, Break into Tech and Digital Marketing Training by KDMN Media. He has helped these individuals break into the tech industry, guiding them to achieve their career aspirations. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 18:00How loss taught me to bounce forward | Joni Anne Peddie | TEDxRandburgIn her powerful TEDx Talk, "How Loss Taught Me to BOUNCE FORWARD," Joni Peddie shares her transformative journey through unexpected tragedy. When her husband and business partner died suddenly, leaving behind their young daughters aged 7 and 9, Joni faced the daunting task of rebuilding their lives. Rejecting the well-intentioned but misguided advice to "bounce back," she instead embraced the concept of #BounceForward, both at home and in her professional life as a Keynote Speaker and Team Performance Facilitator. Joni's talk explores how she navigated the harsh reality of a broken family picture, using #BounceForward to guide her children, herself, and her clients in discovering new ways to grow, adapt, and thrive in the face of loss, unexpected change, and also to ‘chase opportunities’. Her inspiring message offers a fresh perspective on resilience, challenging audiences to reframe their approach to life's most difficult challenges and embrace the power of #BounceForward. Joan known as Joni is an Entrepreneur focusing on Leadership Development. As a Behavioural Strategist, She is on a mission to help ‘driven people’ boost their resilience, and BOUNCE FORWARD™ ...especially after facing work/life challenges and adversity. I too faced major Trauma when my husband and business partner died 17 years ago. As a result, I started the business ‘Resilient People #BounceForward'. She has spoken to Corporates, and Business Schools for over 28 years, sharing neuroscience-based, practical ‘bio-hacks’. Joan enjoys working Globally, keeping ‘up-to-date’ with trends, pursuing my mission, and engaging with +/- 6000 people /year. I Partner with Courageous Leadership Hub (Australia); I volunteer, as a Network Leader for Six Seconds International (the largest EQ Network, in the world), and she serves as a Board Member (Volunteer position) for The Global Speaker Federation This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 11:57Her Hikaye Bir Önceki Hikayenin Tenkidi! | Nazmi Sinan Mıhçı | TEDxIstanbulNazmi Sinan Mıhçı konuşmasına ilk Dayı ile başlıyor, ama belli ki Dayı sadece bir kukla değil; içimizde susturamadığımız o sesi temsil ediyor. "Dayı" metaforu üzerinden geçmişle bugünü harmanlayarak, hepimizin kafasını kurcalayan sorulara mizahi bir dille dalıyor: Gerçek dediğimiz şey nedir? Hayallerimizle ne zaman yollarımız ayrıldı? Birlikte yaşamak, gerçekten mümkün mü? Dayı, dobra dobra konuşurken, Mıhçı bir yandan kendi iç çatışmalarını, bir yandan da toplumun aynasında gördüğümüz çelişkileri sorguluyor. Bazen hepimizin içinden geçen ama dile getiremediğimiz şeyleri söylüyor, bazen de bizi ters köşe yaparak düşündürüyor. Ama asıl mesele şu: Değişime ne kadar açığız? Farklı fikirlere kulak verip, ortak bir geleceği gerçekten demokratik bir şekilde inşa edebilir miyiz? Mıhçı, tüm bu sorulara esprili ve düşündürücü bir yolculukla cevap arıyor ve belki de en büyük cevabın, soruları sormaya devam etmekte saklı olduğunu hatırlatıyor. 1978 yılında Elbistan’da dünyaya gelen Nazmi Sinan Mıhçı, 1996'da İstanbul Üniversitesi Felsefe Bölümü'nü kazanarak büyük şehirdeki sanat yolculuğuna adım attı. İstanbul Üniversitesi Öğrenci Kültür Merkezi'nde tiyatroyla tanışan Mıhçı, sahnede yer aldığı çeşitli oyunlarla oyunculuk yeteneğini geliştirdi. 2010 yılında Atina’ya giderek, ünlü yönetmen Terzopoulos’un Attis Tiyatrosu'nda derinlemesine bir tiyatro deneyimi yaşadı. Oyunculuk kariyerini genişleterek, dizi, film ve reklam projelerinde yer aldı; aynı zamanda oyuncu koçluğu alanında da uzmanlaştı. 2000 yılından itibaren televizyon, reklam ve film dünyasında parmak kukla, bavul kukla ve canlı keçi gibi birçok yaratıcı kukla karaktere hayat verdi. 40 yaşında ise en büyük hayalini gerçekleştirerek, yazıp oynadığı "Bir Yıldız Batıyor" adlı tek kişilik kuklalı oyunuyla sahnelerde izleyicinin karşısına çıktı. Bugün ise "Kukla Kabare"de sevilen “Dayı” karakterine can vermeye devam ederek, sanat tutkusunu yeni nesillere aktarmaktadır. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
- 13:11Lo extraordinario de las cosas más pequeñas | Ana Sofía Casaverde | TEDxTukuyWomenAna Sofía (@galletitadejengibre) captura la magia de lo cotidiano a través de sus miniaturas, transformando pequeños momentos en arte. Con una destreza sorprendente, nos invita a cambiar de perspectiva y a descubrir la belleza en lo diminuto, desafiando los límites de la escala y la percepción. Ana Sofía Casaverde, miniaturista y diseñadora de interiores, transforma el papel en diminutas esculturas que capturan la belleza de lo pequeño. Conocida como Galletita de Jengibre, asumió el reto de un origami diario por un año, exhibiendo su arte en Lima y en Small Is Beautiful en Londres, Nueva York y Bruselas. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx