How to Out-Brain Your Brain | Ilias Mahboub | TEDxDKU
Your brain is highly adaptive, it can trick you, but if you trick it first, you can unlock new possibilities, build better habits, and do just about anything you want. If you can think it, you can do it. Hailing from a small Moroccan city of Errachidia, Ilias is passionate about figuring out how the human brain functions. Fueled with creativity, Ilias is experienced in filmmaking, music production, and public speaking, and is constantly exploring new ways to blend his diverse talents. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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- 14:42The Purpose of Education | Gopalan S | TEDxParamitaHighSchoolMr.Gopalan talks about the reforms that are needed in the modern education. He feels that the present educational practices become automatically outdated as the artificial intelligence entered the threshold of human beings. He strongly advocates that the nurturing of life energy should be the top priority in the modern education to match with the revolutionary changes which are going to be witnessed as artificial intelligence is entering every aspect of daily routines. S.Gopalan is a former teacher of The Valley School, Krishnamurti Foundation India, Bangalore. Born in 1951, he is now 74 years old. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Physics and is a Chartered Accountant. After 8 years in industry, ending as a Financial Controller, it was his fortune to come into contact, in 1980, with J.Krishnamurti and his teachings. He joined The Valley School as a parent in 1982 and as a teacher in 1983. Gopalan now writes about his understanding of the relevance of the message of Krishnamurti and traditional Religions in Daily Living. His books include: Bud To Blossom: Blooming Creativity In Life And Education, One Plus One: Infinity Or Eternity?, Insight Obscured By Intellect, Begin From The Other End, In God We Trust? Rest Strictly Cash!, Symbiosis Of Insights – Srimad Bhagavatam and J.Krishnamurti? and Symbiosis Of Insights – Katha Upanishad and J.Krishnamurti? This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 11:53Ipoteze și modele despre “bucuria de a învăța” | Diana Csorba | TEDxPiataUniriiEDDiana Csorba scoate în evidență o viziune profundă asupra educației, axată pe inovație didactică, diversitate și reflexivitate pedagogică. Prin cercetările sale, evidențiază importanța formării competențelor la elevi prin metode interdisciplinare și personalizate. Abordarea sa pune accent pe rolul pedagogiei în societatea contemporană și pe necesitatea unei școli care să răspundă nevoilor diverse ale elevilor, promovând alternative educaționale eficiente. EN:Diana Csorba highlights a profound vision of education, focused on didactic innovation, diversity and pedagogical reflectivity. Through her research, she highlights the importance of skills training in students through interdisciplinary and personalized methods. Her approach emphasizes the role of pedagogy in contemporary society and the need for a school that meets the diverse needs of students, promoting effective educational alternatives. Conferențiar la Facultatea de Psihologie și Științe ale Educației a Universității din București, Diana Csorba este o cercetătoare dedicată domeniului educațional. Co-director al programului masteral „Didactici inovative pentru învățământul primar”, ea contribuie activ la dezvoltarea unor metode moderne de predare. A fost implicată în proiecte naționale de cercetare și formare a profesorilor, având publicații de referință în domeniul educației atât la nivel național, cât și internațional.EN: Lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences atf the University of Bucharest, Diana Csorba is a researcher dedicated to the field of education. Co-director of the master program „Innovative didactics for primary education”, she actively contributes to the development of modern teaching methods. She was involved in national research and teacher training projects, having reference publications in the field of education both nationally and internationally. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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- 6:05PAINTING EMOTIONS | LINA GHANNOUCHI | TEDxPARC Intl SchoolSHE TALKS ABOUT THE ROLE OF ART AND PAINTING IN CREATING DIFFERENT MOODS. .She is an outstanding learner at school, consistently volunteering for activities and consistently generating innovative ideas. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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