How to Out-Brain Your Brain | Ilias Mahboub | TEDxDKU
Your brain is highly adaptive, it can trick you, but if you trick it first, you can unlock new possibilities, build better habits, and do just about anything you want. If you can think it, you can do it. Hailing from a small Moroccan city of Errachidia, Ilias is passionate about figuring out how the human brain functions. Fueled with creativity, Ilias is experienced in filmmaking, music production, and public speaking, and is constantly exploring new ways to blend his diverse talents. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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- 11:11Developing a Plan B for the planet | Juan Enriquez | TEDxBostonWhen you hear, "don't go in the basement" it conjures a flood of horror movie tropes. Why do they always go into the creepy basement? If the climate crisis is the scary plot and humanity is the cast, our current approach is much like those poor, ill-fated actors that move irrationally towards the threat. How can we change our fate? We know the monster and we know what will happen if we don't act. Global warming is creating extreme heat effects foreshadowing the scarier reality that the majority of human-created warming has so far been absorbed by the global oceans. That heat is already fueling superstorms and threatening climate tipping points. We need to start talking about and researching tangible tactics to cool the planet, before it's too late. An active investor in early stage private companies in the life sciences and big data sectors, Juan Enriquez is one of the world’s leading authorities on the uses and benefits of genomic code. Juan writes, speaks, and teaches about the profound changes that genomics and other life sciences will cause in business, technology, politics, and society. He is the co-author of the book “Evolving ourselves: How Unnatural Selection and Nonrandom Mutation Are Shaping Life on Earth”, exploring how humans increasingly shape the environment, themselves, and other living species.He is the managing director of Excel Venture Management, a life sciences VC firm. He also served as founding director of the Harvard Business School Life Sciences Project and is on the Genetics Advisory Council for the Harvard Medical School. Juan has published papers and articles in a variety of forums including The Harvard Business Review, Foreign Policy, Science, Nature, and The New York Times. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 11:10Embracing AI in the classroom | Amy Schumacher-Rutherford | TEDxUniversityofMississippiDo educators have a responsibility to address AI in their classrooms? Amy Schumacher-Rutherford says, “Yes!” Sharing her research and experiences of incorporating AI into her undergraduate classes, she makes the case for acknowledging AI—if not fully embracing it. Amy Schumacher-Rutherford is an Instructor of Speech Communication in the Department of Writing and Rhetoric at the University of Mississippi. She earned an M.A. in Communications Studies from Marshall University. Her research interests include political communication and using AI to achieve student learning outcomes. She has presented her work using AI at both academic conferences and private workshops. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 8:48Why Grassroots Matter | Shonna Tillman | TEDxUniversityofMississippiBlack women remain vastly underrepresented in elected office, yet they have a long, rich history of facilitating meaningful change. Dr. Shonna Tillman shows why grassroots organizations matter when it comes to empowering underrepresented voices in political leadership roles. Shonna Tillman is a dedicated academic and public policy expert with a strong background in rural government, community and economic development, and women's representation in political positions. She holds a PhD in Public Policy and Administration from Mississippi State University; Shonna's research focuses on the intersection of race, gender, and politics, particularly the motivations and challenges faced by Black women in political leadership roles. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 9:48A természet szuperhősei: évelő virágok | Anna Bereczki | TEDxLibertyBridgeWomenVirágok, mint szuperhősök? Elsőre talán furcsán hangzik, de az évelő növények valóban képesek változást hozni – ha hagyjuk őket. Az előadás egy olyan világba kalauzol, ahol a természet nem csupán dekoráció, hanem kulcsszereplője a fenntartható jövőnek. Miért tűnik mégis úgy, hogy mi, emberek, inkább a kriptonitjuk vagyunk, mint szövetségeseik? És hogyan válhatunk a segítségükké? Egy inspiráló történet a városi betondzsungel és az élő, lélegző zöld terek közötti választásról – amely mindannyiunk kezében van. / Flowers as superheroes? It may sound unusual at first, but perennial plants have the power to create real change—if we let them. This talk takes us into a world where nature is not just decoration but a key player in a sustainable future. So why does it seem like we humans act more like their kryptonite than their allies? And how can we change that? An inspiring story about the choice between a concrete jungle and thriving, living green spaces—one that is in our hands. Fiatal női agtech vállalkozóként szenvedélyesen támogatja a regeneratív mezőgazdaságot és a nők szerepvállalását az agráriumban. Büszke tagja a Women in Technology és a Women in Agtech szervezeteknek. A University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign-en a Mester képzése alatt a Planting Design-ról tanult. Új projektje a BBlooms, melynek célja, hogy minél több őshonos, diverz, évelő, méhbarát és alacsony fenntartási igénnyel rendelkező kertet hozzanak létre. / As a young female agtech entrepreneur, she passionately supports regenerative agriculture and the empowerment of women in the agricultural sector. She is a proud member of Women in Technology and Women in Agtech. During her Master’s studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, she had the opportunity to learn about Planting Design. In her new project, BBlooms, her goal is to create as many native, diverse, perennial, pollinator-friendly, and low-maintenance gardens as possible. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 13:51Rutintalanok előnyben | Ágnes Paul | TEDxLibertyBridgeWomenMiért ragaszkodunk a megszokott szokásainkhoz, még akkor is, ha a világ körülöttünk folyamatosan változik? Az emberek nehezen mozdulnak ki a komfortzónájukból, míg az állatvilág már alkalmazkodik a klímaváltozás új kihívásaihoz. Az előadás inspiráló példákon keresztül mutatja meg, hogy a rutintörés lehet az egyik legfontosabb képességünk a jövőben – legyen szó az elektromos autó forradalmáról, vagy a bajusz-növesztő mozgalomról. / Why do we cling to our routines, even when the world around us is constantly changing? Humans struggle to step out of their comfort zones, while the animal kingdom is already adapting to the challenges of climate change. Through inspiring examples, this talk explores how breaking routines could become one of our most vital skills for the future—whether it’s the revolution of electric cars or the rise of the mustache-growing movement. PR-kommunikációs tanácsadóként elkötelezetten segíti a jó ügyeket. Korábban országos és nemzetközi TV- és rádiócsatornáknál dolgozott. 2008-ban alapított ügynökségével olyan szervezetek és cégek munkáját támogatja, amelyek pozitív hatást gyakorolnak a társadalmunkra. Szakterülete az etikus, zöld tematikájú kommunikációs tanácsadás. Egy társulat alapítójaként elkötelezetten kiáll a megoldásfókuszú klímakommunikációért és fellép a greenwashing ellen. / As a PR and communications consultant, she is dedicated to supporting meaningful causes. She previously for national and international TV and radio channels. In 2008, she founded her own agency, supporting organizations and companies that create a positive social impact. Her expertise lies in ethical and environmentally focused communications consulting. As a founder of a professional group, she’s committed to solution-oriented climate communication and actively opposes greenwashing. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 15:51Átlagostól eltérő normális életünk | Eszter Balla | TEDxLibertyBridgeWomenKívülről cseppet sem tűnik hétköznapinak az élet, ha az ember egy Down-szindrómás gyereket nevel, Balla Eszter előadásában mégis rávilágít arra, hogy sok szempontból pont ugyanolyanok a mindennapjaik, mint bárki másnak. Eszter történetén, a szomorú, boldog, dühös és humoros pillanatokon keresztül egy nem átlagos, de teljesen normális élet valója tárul elénk. / Life with a child with Down syndrome may seem anything but ordinary from the outside. Yet, in her talk, Balla Eszter highlights how, in many ways, their daily lives are just like anyone else’s. Through moments of joy, sorrow, frustration, and humor, she offers an intimate glimpse into a life that may not be typical—but is completely normal. Balla Esztert korkedvezménnyel, tizenhét évesen vették fel a Színház- és Filmművészeti Egyetem zenés osztályába. Pályája kultikus nagyjátékfilmekkel, nagyszínpadi musical főszerepekkel és alternatív színházi műhelymunkákkal indult. Néhány évvel később, viszonylag fiatalon vállalta első gyermekét, aki Down szindrómával született. Három gyermekes édesanyaként és egy értelmileg akadályozott gyermek szülőjeként kiemelten fontosnak tartja a társadalmi érzékenyítést és edukációt. / Balla Eszter was accepted into the University of Theatre and Film Arts at just 17, receiving early admission to the musical theater program. Her career began with iconic feature films, leading roles in large-scale musicals, and work in alternative theater productions. A few years later, at a relatively young age, she welcomed her first child, Emma, who was born with Down syndrome. As a mother of three and a parent of a child with an intellectual disability, she is a passionate advocate for social awareness. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at