Growth is a Choice, not a Guarantee | Dana AlHanbali | TEDxSafat Square
Growth is often seen as an inevitable outcome, but what if it’s not? What if growth is less about setting goals and more about making the conscious choice to embrace change, even when it terrifies us? I will talk about the delicate dance between intention and impermanence and share real life lessons I learned the hard way. How the fear of failure and paralysis of thought can stifle our potential. We’ll delve into the power of letting go—of expectations, comfort zones, and the illusion of control—so that true growth can occur. This is not just about advancing in life or career; it’s about understanding that growth is not guaranteed, nor is it a destination. It’s a series of deliberate choices we make in the face of uncertainty. It is about choosing growth. Dana Alhanbali is a dynamic entrepreneur, creative consultant, and thought leader in the fields of media, culture, and communication. With a background in design, Dana's career has spanned roles in top global firms within WPP, where she developed her expertise in business development, brand strategy, and impactful storytelling. As the co-founder of Beattie + Dane, an award-winning creative firm based in Kuwait, and founder of Bark & Berg, a strategic advisory in Dubai, Dana has guided brands in shaping narratives that resonate deeply with their audiences. A passionate advocate for the transformative power of media, Dana’s work emphasizes the critical role of intentional communication in shaping culture. She shares her insights on entrepreneurship, creativity, and cultural identity through her podcast, “Something to Consider.” This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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