Unbreakable Spirit: The DNA of Never Giving Up | Niharica Raizada | TEDxPodar World College
Niharica Raizada is a versatile actress, model, and healthcare professional known for her work in the Indian film industry. After completing her MRes in Translational Medicine at Imperial College London, she pursued cardiology research at Johns Hopkins University before transitioning to acting.Niharica made her debut in Bengali cinema later appearing in films like Masaan (2015), Baby (2015), Total Dhamaal (2019), and Sooryavanshi (2021), where she portrayed a significant role as an Inspector. Her performance in IB71 (2023) earned her the prestigious Dadasaheb Phalke Indian Television Award for Best Actress. Niharica has also showcased her talent in music and modeling, and has been ranked among the Times 50 Most Desirable Women in India.Apart from acting, she has contributed to the medical field, performing heart surgeries and researching heart diseases. Her remarkable blend of talents and achievements continues to inspire many.Date: 14th December 2024Venue: Podar International SchoolOrganised by Aahaan Shekhar, Nami Sanghani, Sargam Bijoor & Assad KhatriNiharica Raizada is a versatile actress, model, and healthcare professional known for her work in the Indian film industry. After completing her MRes in Translational Medicine at Imperial College London, she pursued cardiology research at Johns Hopkins University before transitioning to acting.Niharica made her debut in Bengali cinema later appearing in films like Masaan (2015), Baby (2015), Total Dhamaal (2019), and Sooryavanshi (2021), where she portrayed a significant role as an Inspector. Her performance in IB71 (2023) earned her the prestigious Dadasaheb Phalke Indian Television Award for Best Actress. Niharica has also showcased her talent in music and modeling, and has been ranked among the Times 50 Most Desirable Women in India.
Apart from acting, she has contributed to the medical field, performing heart surgeries and researching heart diseases. Her remarkable blend of talents and achievements continues to inspire many. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
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