How livestock can "green" global deserts and restore degraded land | Alejandro Carrillo | TEDxBoston
What does it take to restore our degraded soils? To stop desertification? We need biology to create the conditions needed to awaken dormant native seeds and rebalance ecosystems. Livestock grazing in sync with Nature can bring that much needed biology to our thirsty, unproductive, lifeless soils. This is being demonstrated by ranchers in the Chihuahuan Desert that want to do things differently. See what a decade of holistic grazing and regenerative livestock management can do. Once desertified unproductive land, stretched with bare soil that did little to retain the scarce rain, is now something beautiful. Lush perennial grasslands have returned, and with them the biodiversity, the soil's water retention and carbon sequestration capacity, and the natural evotranspiration cycles that bring even more restorative rainfall. Alejandro Carrillo is a fourth-generation rancher in the Chihuahuan desert. Rarely his precipitation goes beyond 8” per year (over 200mm). Alejandro’s ranch, Las Damas, has been part of multiple documentaries and studies focused on regenerative ranching such as Common Ground, Sacred Cow, To Which We Belong, and Water in Plain Sight. Alejandro’s Grasslands Regeneration Project company assists ranchers and organizations on regenerative grazing practices in North America, South America, Africa, Australia, and the Middle East. He also participates as a delegate to the UNCCD in multiple countries. Alejandro holds a MS in Technical Management from The Johns Hopkins University and BS in Computer Science from Monterrey Tech. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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- 15:41工芸と私:見えないものを見つめる | Hana Saeki | TEDxRikkyoU皆さんは文化を、「どのように」継承するか考えたことがありますか?工芸学生団体とらくらでの活動を通して、伝統工芸やその職人の方々と直に向き合ってきた佐伯さん。現在議論されている文化継承とは異なる視点から、「掘り起こす」という形の文化継承について語ってくださいます。工芸が好きで守りたいという佐伯さんのピュアな想いと、好きだからこそ現実と向き合おうとする誠実さが溢れているトークです。 Have you ever thought about “how” culture is passed down? Through her activities with the craft student organization “Torakura”, Ms. Saeki has worked closely with traditional crafts and their craftsmen. In this talk, she will explore cultural inheritance from a different perspective than the current debate—one that focuses on “reviving” traditions. It is a talk filled with her genuine love for crafts and her strong desire to preserve them, as well as her sincerity in facing reality precisely because of that love. 立教大学コミュニティ福祉学部3年生 工芸学生団体「とらくら」代表。 大学2年次に休学しニュージーランドでマオリ民族について学ぶ。これまでZ世代を中心に工芸の魅力を伝え、「使い手」と「作り手」を増やす事に奮闘してきた。 Third-year student at Rikkyo University, College of Community and Human Services. Representative of the craft student group “Torakura.”She took a leave of absence in her second year to study the Māori people in New Zealand. She has been dedicated to sharing the appeal of crafts, primarily with Generation Z, while striving to increase the number of both “users” and “creators.” This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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