Did You Know You Are A Caregiver? | Kunal Parikh | TEDxMechanicsville
Caregiving is not limited to medical professionals—it is an integral part of our daily relationships, often unnoticed, as family members, friends, and neighbors provide essential support in countless ways. Many people fail to recognize themselves as caregivers because caregiving responsibilities often evolve gradually, blending into routine acts of kindness and duty. By acknowledging our caregiving roles, we can shift societal perceptions, advocate for better caregiver recognition, and build stronger communities of support. Kunal Parikh is a passionate advocate for social justice pertinent to aging, caregiving and disabilities, a digital health strategist, and a dedicated educator. Originally a practicing physician in India, he pivoted to health-tech to pursue the potential of technology to improve patient safety. He holds a postgraduate degree in Digital Health from Algonquin College; and a Master’s in Aging and Health from Queen’s University, where he earned the Award of Excellence. Kunal has worked at the intersection of healthcare, technology, and education, with a focus on addressing care inequities for older adults. Known for his people-first approach, Kunal excels at building collaborative relationships and leading with empathy, curiosity, and analytical insight. He’s a lifelong learner who inspires bold risks and innovation to disrupt the status quo. As a rising leader in gerontology, he collaborates with senior-serving organizations and age-tech businesses to sustainably enhance health outcomes. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
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