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Yes, you’re an artist too | Aline Albuquerque | TEDxColégio 7 de Setembro Youth

You’re an artist when you have a curious sight looking at the world and imagining it can be different. This lecture is the narrative of Aline’s experience as a visual artist throughout projects realized in the last ten years. Projects that happen in her neighborhood, in the course of days, in protests in defense of democracy , that end up taking place in important exhibitions across the country. Visual artist and educator, she holds a degree in Fine Arts from UNICAMP and a master's degree in Arts from UFC.Her production and interests include themes related to art and politics, art and education, activism, collective and collaborative creative processes, and urban micropolitics.With the collective installation AGITPROP, she has participated in group exhibitions at museums such as MAR - RJ, MASP, Museu Nacional da República - DF, Pinacoteca do Ceará, among others.She is currently the manager of dissemination and cultural action at MIS-CE (Museum of Image and Sound). She lives and works in Fortaleza. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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