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How do we climb out of crisis? Learn from snow and catastrophe | Ulyana Horodyskyj Peña | TEDxBoston

A glaciologist + educator draws lessons from a classic mountaineering survival story to apply to how we might in turn save the ice—and ourselves. What can the ice teach us? Did you know that the pollutant, black carbon, has a more powerful warming effect on the atmosphere than carbon dioxide? Or that it can speed up the melting of snow and ice? Fortunately, reducing impacts from black carbon is solvable and scalable. But it requires more funding, trained glaciologists, engineers, and public participation to help protect the environment. We can climb out of this climate crisis, but it takes grit, determination, education and action. Ulyana Horodyskyj Peña is a Ukrainian-American scientist, educator, and mountaineer, studying human impact on snow and ice in the Arctic, Antarctic, and glaciated peaks of the planet. She leads immersive trips through Science in the Wild and works with students, adventurers, and local communities to educate and train them on collecting and analyzing environmental data. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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