如何走出貧窮世襲 How To Walk Out Of Poverty | 大堯 RICK 周 CHOU | TEDxXinyi
近七年,貧窮世襲的數據一直上升,貧窮世襲的家庭面臨著經濟貧困、受到傷害、機會不公、資源匱乏等問題。透過周大堯身為資深社工師以一線親身經歷的故事,揭示貧窮最初的樣貌。透過行動改善,幫助每位孩子走出貧窮世襲,擁有同等的教育機會,發展潛能,累積人力資本。最後,取之於社會,用之於社會,回饋於社會。In the past seven years, the data on intergenerational poverty has been increasing. Families trapped in the cycle of poverty face issues such as economic hardship, harm, unequal opportunities, and a lack of resources. Through the personal experiences of RICK CHOU, the initial appearance of poverty is revealed. Through action and improvement, we can help every child break free from the cycle of intergenerational poverty, provide equal educational opportunities, develop potential, and accumulate human capital. Finally, what is taken from society should be used and returned to society, giving back to the community.
周大堯是台灣家扶基金會執行長,家扶基金會是一家有74年歷史的非營利組織。周大堯在基金會工作超過30年,從第一線直接服務社工做起,陪伴了超過千名弱勢孩童面對漫漫人生路。周大堯致力於幫助社會對弱勢孩童爭取更多公平受照顧的機會,翻轉更多生命的奇蹟,走出貧窮世襲的迷思。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
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